People in our lives, especially our family, relatives, and loved ones, want only the best for us which sometimes lead them to set the standards for our actions and expect the best from us.

We often feel like we are being strangled by them because of the things they want us to be. We think that they are trying to control our lives. We feel that we are kept in prison, and that we have no right or freedom to be who we want to be, to do the things we want to do.

However, let us be guided and be open-minded that what our family and loved ones set for us is also for our bright and better future. They have been through more in life than us, so it is best to reconsider and think about the words they say.

As a young adult, hearing criticisms from someone important to us direct us to negativity, which should not be. Everytime we hear our parents getting angry at our small decisions make us feel as if they don't trust us and in our abilities.

We must set our goals in life and focus on achieving them. Focus yourself on studying. Strive harder. Do your best in all the things you are doing.

If people around you look down on all of your aspirations in life, and tell to your face that you can't do it, prove them wrong. Just like what a quotation says, "Work hard in silence. Let your success be the noise."

Make them as your motivation in pursuing your dreams rather than listening to it and letting those words get into your head. Don't let their opinions stop you from getting to the top. Be deaf to negative thoughts, if you want to achieve your goals.

It's not always bad to listen to the expectations of our parents, siblings, friends, and teachers from us. Sometimes, we can get ideas from them to develop and cultivate our insights. Always remember, that we can always learn anything from anyone

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@Johnson123 posted 3 years ago
