Do it yourself!

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4 years ago

I was born with what people would call "a silver spoon",(although it didn't last long). My parents did almost everything for me, plus I am the last born of the house. I attended private schools from preschool to highschool. I was always waiting for my parents to do stuff for me, and also other adults I knew.

In grade 6, I used to come to school and go home with the school bus everyday, but I didn't like it because I'll always be late to school and late to get home. I remember one time I got home by 7pm in grade 6 because we were stuck in traffic. We were always stuck in traffic. So I made up my mind not to take the school bus again. I told my parents about it, but they said I should wait till the session was over but that wasn't on my agenda.

One fateful day, the school bus horn was blaring outside, mum was calling me to go and hop in, but I refused. She yelled and yelled, but I Also cried and cried. After about 5 minutes, she Told the driver to go that I wasn't ready yet. From that day onwards, I started going to school and back all by myself, even as a boy of 10. I would always Cross the road with the help of the police or traffic warden, until I got the hang of it. From that day onwards, I always insisted on doing things on my own.

What about you? What sparked the attitude of doing things on your own?

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Yeah... will do

$ 0.00
4 years ago

That is a very meture and responsible thought from you. Such confident is what we need

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you so much

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4 years ago

Yes you got the rhythm of life early enough

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4 years ago

That is why I don't live in regret

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wow, I was smiling reading this, if we let ourselves to be pampered too much.. It might not be really good

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yeah, we could get all dependent which isn't good for any economy

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4 years ago

What an article and a good life experience... If we stand firm to what we want we would surely get it.

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4 years ago

Yeah We just need courage and a very good reason

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Nice write-up. Kudos!

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you

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4 years ago

wonderful write up... you got noticed there was a problem and you fixed it even as a kid.... that's a great attribute

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Being the eldest and living without a parent. My parents separated when I was in 4th grade. Me and my siblings stayed with our mom but she's not always with us. That's when I learned to do things on my own while looking after my younger siblings.

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4 years ago

Whoa. That must've been hard on you. So sorry

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4 years ago

Don't be 😊 I see it as a blessing. Because it taught me a lot of things and it made me stronger and braver.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

A blessing in disguise I guess.

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4 years ago

Yes it is 😊

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4 years ago