2 Amazing things you didn't know about dogs

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4 years ago

Hey guys, its my first time posting here. And I'd love to post something meaningful today

So, I was surfing through the net doing my normal research and stumbled across these two amazing truths about dogs

1.The Beatles song ‘A Day in the Life’ has a frequency only dogs can hear

In an interview in 2013, Paul McCartney said that he added a frequency only dogs can hear to the end of the Beatles song ‘A Day in the Life’. So watch your dog when you play the song! How’s that for an amazing dog fact?  

4. Three dogs survived the Titanic sinking

Im sure we have all seen the movie titanic. Did you know that three dogs survived the sinking of the Titanic? Vetstreet states that the dogs were in first class and included a Pomeranian puppy - which her owner wrapped in a blanket to escape with, and everyone thought she was carrying a baby. Another Pomeranian and a Pekingese were also rescued. Move over Rose and Jack!

Number one is still making me wanna be a dog just for one day.

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4 years ago


I am not sure if the title fits to the content I expected something else. Btw Indidn't see the film and read the real Titanic did not sunk. They changed it for a damaged one....

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4 years ago

Hmm really... I didn't really know dog's have a frequency only them can understand

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4 years ago

Never knew the beatle song had frequency that only dogs can hear....I need yo try this ..play the song and watch the dogs reaction

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4 years ago

Haha this was a fun read of an article I especially like the part “move over Jack and Rose” lol

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4 years ago