Year-end crypto ramblings. A journey hand in hand with Bitcoin Cash

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Avatar for Jnavedan
2 years ago

Thoughts about BCH

We are nearing the end of the legal year agreed by the nations. Perhaps you will agree with me that counting the year is a relative thing, as the great physicist Einstein stated.

Well, it is not about starting a gathering on this topic, which otherwise sounds very interesting if we leave aside the intricate mathematical scaffolding. It's not that math is boring, cryptocurrencies are the result of them, and for sure, they are the passion of many here.

I support the year that terrestrial dynamics imposes with its seasons: spring, summer, autumn, and winter, depending on the latitude where you are.

In this sense, there are still many days before spring begins in the northern hemisphere, as indicated by the same name of the month: December derived from ten.

There is a story here behind the calendar for a good article. It probably already exists on this platform. So, after writing my ramblings, I will seek to enjoy a new perspective that shakes my pre-concepts.

If you know of a good article, I would appreciate sharing the link in the comment thread for a peek.

Source: Image by Markéta Machová on Pixabay 

Today I only want to ramble on about the learning associated with Bitcoin Cash. Not only in the conceptual, but in the experience. That is, theory and practice.

For years I listened to rumors about bitcoin until, in May 2017, I entered this fascinating world from the hand of a friend.

My clouded friend and colleague believed in making large and almost instantaneous profits, and he convinced me to join him in the act of greed. In this sense, I lost my first crypto investment through a Ponzi-type scheme.

A painful but enlightening experience.

Don't get carried away by greed. When a business sounds too succulent, be very careful. Most likely, it is a scam.

So, you will understand the reason for my suspicion about the crypto market before knowing Bitcoin Cash. By the way, three months later, the great Hard Fork. Product of the battle to seize the legacy of Satoshi Nakamoto and twist the ends by creating the money of the future.

Don't get carried away by the name of bitcoin. There are dark interests that bet on the failure of bitcoin. Study, and you will discover the deception behind the advertising. Bitcoin is not Bitcoin if it betrays its ends.

So, the obligatory question.

Which is the real bitcoin?

Here is where you should start.

Maybe like me (in the beginning), you are looking for easy or free earnings. A mirage in the desert of disappointments.

Don't think that bitcoin is the free and magical money on the internet. On the contrary, there is a lot of effort and investment for it to exist. Yes, it is a very young technology (a decade), but with the potential to change the world as you know it today.

For example, consider the idea of ​​the separation of money and state. Yes, bitcoin by dispensing with a trusted third party and making it possible to buy and sell directly and efficiently; Threatens the very existence of the banks and their partner, the state.

Of course, current generations only know the money issued with the backing of the State; But this was not always the case in most countries. It is enough to review the history to realize that it is recent. It is only a ploy by the powerful to seize the wealth that people generate.

In this sense, fiat money is the sophistication of the strong against the poor.

You will probably tell me, "Stop! I'm not interested in that theory. I only want to earn money and continue my normal life."

You don't realize it!

Normality ended a long time ago. We are in transition, and bitcoin is a means to free you, but it can also be twisted into the most iron slavery that man will ever know.

Source: Image by Alexandra_Koch on Pixabay

The battle is before your eyes. You only have to dig into the right places and discern; Which is the real bitcoin?

  • If bitcoin does not help to solve the problem of the expansion of the state,

  • If you attempt against decentralization as an expression of freedom from coercion,

  • If you evade libertarian ends on the grounds of the fallacy of authority,

  • If it goes against the reasonable financial incentives of the long-term miners,

  • If you pursue to establish a benevolence dictator to ensure the development of technology on the consensus of developers,

  • If it prevents the scalability of bitcoin to allow it to be used as money on a day-to-day basis by everyone.

Well, these are just a few things that I was unaware of when I entered the Bitcoin Cash community in January.

In this sense, beyond the upward or downward run of cryptos. Where greedy and speculators manipulate the market, I see a light of hope in the darkness that grows in the world in Bitcoin Cash.

I hope you see it too.

On purpose! I think you already know what the real bitcoin is.

An original article by @Jnavedan

Cover image by Satheesh Sankaran on Pixabay 

$ 18.90
$ 17.44 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.50 from @Jane
$ 0.50 from @Pantera
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Avatar for Jnavedan
2 years ago


Thank you my friend for the learnings here on your article like you when I first entered the crypto world I was lost and did not know what to do until a friend of mine introduce me to BCH. Happy Holidays my friend Bless you always.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you my friend for the learnings here on your article like you when I first entered the crypto world I was lost and did not know what to do until a friend of mine introduce me to BCH. Happy Holidays my friend Bless you always.

Hello, my friend,

I am very pleased to read your comment on the article. I hope it has been to your liking.

I also follow your articles as far as possible. Lately, I have had to attend to a lot of family matters that I enjoy.

I wish you the best for the year 2022 as a family.


$ 0.00
2 years ago

You mention calendar and months... I will begin a series on that tomorrow or the day after tomorrow: "History of Months"

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You mention calendar and months... I will begin a series on that tomorrow or the day after tomorrow: "History of Months"

Hello, my friend,

Excellent. I will be attentive to the succession of articles on the matter.


$ 0.00
2 years ago

Merry Christmas to you 🙂

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks, my friend. Same for you and your family.

$ 0.00
2 years ago