Will Bitcoin Cash Lead to Individual Freedom?

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Avatar for Jnavedan
3 years ago

On July 28, I will be six months old reading excellent articles posted here on read.cash about how Bitcoin Cash will provide the financial freedom people need when mass adoption hits.

I find all the enthusiasm and hope thrown into the texts fantastic, especially when I consider that some authors live in harsh socioeconomic conditions due to failed policies of the governments that, in theory, should protect them.

I found in Bitcoin Cash a means to counteract the effects that bad governments caused on the economic stability of my family. Moreover, it ignited the curiosity to understand what is really at stake behind the scenes.

I understood the importance of Bitcoin Cash is to liberate the world. If you haven't noticed, you and I, like the vast majority, live under disguised slavery.

In addition, to immersing yourself in the emerging crypto markets looking for unique opportunities to achieve wealth or at least a solvency that gives you some financial freedom. Although in my humble opinion, Bitcoin Cash can bring you much more, that is, existential freedom.

Sure, you have to do your research first (DYOR). You run the risk of being clouded by the dynamic ups and downs of prices and the feelings they cause, and you can lose yourself in the fundamentals, such as being a slave without realizing it.

A slave is a being with a limited purpose.

How many times have you felt the emptiness of not finding meaning in life? Well, I'll be honest with you. I felt lost many times.

The societal system works against you, and right now, it is gradually converging to strip you of the blindfold while it finishes plundering you.

You will tell me that I am delirious. It is nonsense that the same corrupt system removes the blindfold from us. Sometimes, I also question the same thing when I see that spread it in predictive programming. An act of pure sarcasm or an elaborate strategy to break the will?

Who is the slaver?

It's a difficult question to answer without splashing oneself. The best slave is one who does not know that he is.

I worked for the State of my country for many years. I thought I was doing a worthwhile job in the service of my brothers. Today I'm not sure.

Unusually, any of us, being alienated, can collaborate with his slavery.

Well, ignorance has no limit when accompanied by stupidity. In this sense, I was stupid. Now, I question everything because I want to be truly free.

The slave owner is the system itself, and perhaps the most identifiable is your government when it implements policies that are not in your best interest. But how is this possible? Simple, my friend, they are subjugated by greed and power.

The greatest deception is in those who make up the State. Probably you have participated with goodwill, and along the way, the temptations knocked on your door.

Also, the rope around your neck is money. Think about it for a moment.

The widespread belief in money as a lifeline in a fierce world of extreme competition for scarce resources dominates existence.

Yes, I agree on the usefulness of money, but not on all kinds of money. The emergence of Bitcoin brought a new light for the oppressed and those who still don't know they are downtrodden.

If you are already a Bitcoin Cash enthusiast, excuse me if I insist on saying that Bitcoin Cash is a currency and a payment system at the same time for peer-to-peer interaction without the need for a trusted intermediary.

But how can I trust that the other will not scam me?

Here the magic of digital money is called Bitcoin. You don't need to trust the other. On the contrary, distrust yourself. Mathematics takes care of the problem, and you are finally the owner of the money responsible for using it freely whenever you want.

Of course, the other money, the one that circulates less and less in your hands, is about to disappear. The slaver wants to continue robbing you with the digital version of the money. They are the owners of it.

Any currency at the Status Quo (State - Banking - Corporations) is against your being free. An issue also to consider is that they monopolize violence and want people to be unarmed.

Individual freedom requires maturity and responsibility, as well as the ability to protect oneself.

In this sense, I hope that more people wake up from this nightmare of artificial poverty and that they achieve the maturity to assume the freedom of their lives.

In this sense, I hope that more people wake up from this nightmare of artificial poverty and mature enough to assume freedom in their lives.

Bitcoin Cash can help you achieve the goal. But it is you who has to act with maturity to take on the challenge of dethroning the oppressor; No one in this world will do it for you. So if you expect others to do it without your help, they will die of disappointment.

I am not asking you to go out and support a violent revolution against your government. Remember, many of those who are part of it also need to be liberated, but to this end, they must first awaken and overcome ignorance.

Work in your environment spreading knowledge about Bitcoin cash and the background it solves. We all long to be free.

Do your homework well. Find out why Bitcoin Cash suits us.

An original article by @Jnavedan

Cover image by WorldSpectrum on Pixabay 

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Avatar for Jnavedan
3 years ago


Digital currency mean freedom and we are into it already .. The currency can be BCH or BTC or ETH but the point is we are now free but the freedom and use case become more useful when BCH will be adopted world wide as usable currency in daily life .. This is how BCH will bring freedom!

$ 0.05
3 years ago

Hi, my friend

Digital currency has existed for many years, but as you well say, the crypto modality is the one that has the potential to totally liberate us. I hope so.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

great time is waiting for us!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

What is worthless is to be slave of someone. We are entrapped in slavery due to govt policies. Every child born in country made at the name of freedom has a debt of about 1 million. And he has to pay this through taxes and duties. BCH in this sense make us free to think and make us broad minded.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

BCH is more versatile and financial freedom. Because main this is its transaction. Peer to peer transaction. And no need of premission from government and bank hectic systems in this scenario i see BCH is more versatile have freedom.

$ 0.05
3 years ago

I like that you are so clear on what BCH means for freedom. So to work for your mass adoption.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

BCH is my financial freedom, not in the sense of how much money I would have but how much freedom I have to save, spend, and send money whenever and wherever I want. That's the freedom I know.

$ 0.05
3 years ago

Hi, my friend.

Sorry for the delay in answering. I was visiting my mother-in-law's house and there is no internet service there.

Yes, I am glad that you feel free with the use of BCH. Although one is chained if you feel free; you are free!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Well said. We are living in nearly "slave" conditions in most of the world. While some haven't still realized that, sooner or later the IMF will be knocking their door next.

$ 0.05
3 years ago

Hello, my friend,

Sooner rather than later the dip will wake them up. I just hope it's not too late for them too. The natural condition of man is to be free.

$ 0.00
3 years ago