No matter how old you are, why should you invest in Bitcoin Cash in 2021?

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Avatar for Jnavedan
3 years ago


If you are waiting for wise technical advice to increase your capital by investing in Bitcoin Cash, I sorry. You can stop reading the article and miss the essentials behind BCH.

If you came here through an internet search, you are welcome to, where you will find excellent authors and educational articles on why investing in Bitcoin Cash is the best investment you will ever make.

Now, if you are intrigued to read my arguments, I invite you to continue reading and discover some reasons why, no matter how old you are, you should invest in Bitcoin Cash.

However, I will list the benefits for you. If you are an enthusiast like me, do not be angry with me if I bore you; on the contrary, join me in the feeling of satisfaction for spreading this valuable opportunity to those who visit us today. So:

  • BCH is safe.

  • BCH is decentralized.

  • BCH is highly scalable.

  • BCH is fast in transactions.

  • BCH has low transaction costs.

  • BCH is easy to use to pay for purchases.

  • BCH is accepted by more merchants every day.

  • BCH is maintained by committed developers.

Yes, the benefits are awesome, but when it comes to money, you may also wonder:

What is the risk of the investment?

Well, life is full of risks, even before the moment you took the first breath of air. Although if you have enough knowledge to evaluate the BCH's investment, feel free to do your research and share it with us.

Although being honest with you, I'll give you a hint. Bitcoin Cash is one of the most undervalued cryptocurrencies on the market. I will be daring; sure, it is the most underrated, but is that bad?

I think, on the contrary, it is a great opportunity you have to get on the bus to success. Sooner rather than later, the picture will become clear on which one is more useful among useful projects, ceasing to be a promising project to become your reality.

Yes, I am listening to you!

  • This guy is trying to sell me a product.

  • Tell me about capital risk.

  • Will I lose the savings, and the time spent accumulating the money to satisfy my needs and wants?

I understand how cowardly capital is. Who wants to lose what so much effort cost or inherited due to life circumstances? Some are born more fortunate than others.

Whatever your case, you must also add the fact in which section of the road you are. However, your age should not be an impediment.

Let me answer based on my understanding. Bitcoin Cash is not a simple investment product, as they try to sell us in the propaganda of the mainstream media.

Let me ask you two simple questions:

  • What is your real capital?

  • What is the objective of your investment?

Let me answer for you.

  • The answer to the first question seems to be associated with the bank account, as well as the value of the assets fewer liabilities and expressed in dollars or in the currency of your country.

  • The answer to the second question depends on the needs, desires, and ambition. Being very wealthy or maintaining a fortune that makes life easy for you seems to be the goal that common mortals converge on.

Both are valid and instrumental answers where Bitcoin Cash solves with grows and fits perfectly. However, he expressly leaves out the immanent capital, an obvious paradox.

Yes, the immanent capital here is your life itself, expressed in vital energy, in a time that you can never ever recover.

Image by Free-Photos on Pixabay

I think you should understand my point of view by now. Bitcoin Cash is a medium in itself, not an investment product. BCH is a measure to express in the future how you use your vital energy, the capital that is depleted with each change in the dial of your watch, whether it is on your wrist or the screen of your smartphone.

You may be a bit confused. I don't blame you, I am too. Then I should rephrase the question of the title of the article because at first glance it seems to be poorly formulated by what has been raised so far.

Let me explain why the title is correct.

  • Bitcoin Cash is the best means to achieve the goal you want.

  • Bitcoin Cash is for the use of all people, and not exclusive to the elites.

  • Bitcoin Cash is freedom. Enough of the oppression of interested intermediaries.

  • Bitcoin Cash is a growing community that will encompass the world.

  • Bitcoin Cash is your bank. No one decides or limits how you should spend or invest your vital energy.

  • Bitcoin Cash is a way to help your fellow man.

  • Bitcoin Cash is the trade balance. Exclusion of supply and demand manipulation.

These seven reasons are just a preamble to why it is an excellent decision to invest your vital energy in BCH.

Now you will tell me:

Okay. Your reasons are compelling, although I could rebut them if you consider other options in the cryptocurrency market, but I don't understand how age to invest in Bitcoin Cash affects.

Exactly, you hit the mark. Age does not affect at all, it is never too late to invest your vital energy, not doing it is a total waste. Some say that people are worth according to the amount of the bank account. You will agree with me that it is a wrong belief.

The important thing is to have high goals in life. If you only think about being a billionaire, Bitcoin Cash is not for you. Sure, BCH can also achieve your selfish goal, but the fundamental purpose is to be of service to the people.

The friend who is visiting us for the first time, I invite you to read the fascinating stories published by the community. Uplifting accounts of how Bitcoin Cash changes the lives of many families.

For example, I remember the case of a young man, who at the age of 20 was orphaned by a father. He assumed the main role of his house, helps his family with what he receives in Bitcoin Cash, and also develops a program with part of BCH resources to help abandoned pets on the street.

You can also find cases like that of the housewife, who allocates parts of her rewards in BCH to periodically bring smiles to poor children in her town.

I could go on to list other laudable cases, spread in various places on the planet, and whose political, social, and economic conditions are difficult where BCH makes a difference. The distinguishing fact is that when you empower people who suffer, they can help others who share the same destiny.

Image by Leejoann on Pixabay

Final thoughts

If you are still between the ages of twenty and thirty and you still live with your parents; Or are you reaching your sixties Do not hesitate and mobilize, invest your vital energy in goals that give meaning to your existence. Bitcoin Cash is the medium that has the potential to revolutionize your existence and that of those around you.

In my opinion, beyond increasing your wallet, and I do not mean the fiduciary, but the Bitcoin Cash. The crux of the matter is how to wisely use the BCH you earn by exchanging your life energy. Perhaps, you are already tired of hearing the phrase: vital energy. Well, let me explain the transcendent with a question.

How much is your vital energy worth?

You can answer me, it is difficult to quantify, and I must give you part of the reason. Think about it, though, wage earners sell their own lives to mega-corporations at bargain prices. Again I dare to affirm without fear of being wrong, they shamelessly rob us.

A new world is emerging, no one knows for sure when the process of change that is taking place will end. Nonetheless, the Bitcoin Cash offering is quite clear, solid, and revolutionary.

Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System

Image by anncapictures on Pixabay

Do not wait long to invest in the real Bitcoin, join the force of change, age does not matter.

  • If you are very young, involve your parents.

  • If you are very old, involve your grandchildren.

  • If you are mature, involve your family.

Educate yourself to be free and prosper to help others.

An original article by @Jnavedan

Cover image by xresch on Pixabay 

$ 29.81
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$ 0.20 from @Pantera
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Avatar for Jnavedan
3 years ago


Reason why i love BCH is no matter how old you are , from which religion you belong , country your skin colour! Freedom means BCH you explained very well!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Me too, my friend! Thanks for stopping by.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Anyone who want's to invest in BCH or any other cryptocurrencies, he/she should research about the crypto trading. I call it, gaining knowledge about crypto. And obviously no one will can give you proper knowledge unless you put effort to know something eagerly.. And i appriciate what you've said is life is full of risk.. And sure i will suggest to invest in BCH because all you have said about BCH are true.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Anyone who want's to invest in BCH or any other cryptocurrencies, he/she should research about the crypto trading. I call it, gaining knowledge about crypto. And obviously no one will can give you proper knowledge unless you put effort to know something eagerly.. And i appriciate what you've said is life is full of risk.. And sure i will suggest to invest in BCH because all you have said about BCH are true.

Thanks for stopping by the article and leaving a meaningful comment. Learn in an imperative that we have at birth and an inherent activity for our development. The world of cryptos is here to stay, and the direction it will take in the future is unsuspected, so what you say is important, you have to learn as much as you can about the new world.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Exactly! I am a newbie here on found your artical and started reading it. And you are a good writer.. Keep it up man!

$ 0.05
3 years ago

Exactly! I am a newbie here on found your artical and started reading it. And you are a good writer.. Keep it up man!

Thanks again. Greetings.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I enjoyed reading this one. A very elaborate article that gives the general feeling. And I think you are right. It is about time to involve anyone. We can tell them how to download a wallet and send a few Bitcoin Cash for them. They will find it very interesting, I bet.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Pleased that it is to your liking. Yes, we must invite others to join the team that will lead to the mass adoption of this revolutionary and liberating technology.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes its true it doesn't your when you want to join cryptocurrency so long as you understand and or someone will explain for you to understand

$ 0.00
3 years ago

es its true it doesn't your when you want to join cryptocurrency so long as you understand and or someone will explain for you to understand

You are right. To explain this technology to others, we must first learn it well ourselves. Fortunately, here at and excellent authors write about this.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

There's no age limit here.. It's even better to use BCH as retirement plan 😁

$ 0.00
3 years ago

There's no age limit here.. It's even better to use BCH as retirement plan 😁

Yes, my friend. Although I tell you, it is better never to retire and be useful. In my country, Dr. Jacinto Convit, who created the Leprosy vaccine, worked until almost the end of his days. He lived 100 years. From him, it is said that he, even at 95 years old, visited patients in the hospital where he worked.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow. His amazing. I might ended like that too. Since I don't have a family (like husband and kids) so I might gonna work until my last breath 😅 But of course we need to relax once we get old . That's why we need to save today for that 😁

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I was interested in reading your arguments you explained in a remarkable way

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I was interested in reading your arguments you explained in a remarkable way

Thank you for such a nice comment. Very satisfied that the article is to your liking.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I am 27 yrs old with a son. I am here to gain knowledge about crypto especially BCH. With this article, I had learned that BCH really will help people especially those who in needs. The future is bright ahead. I hope, I can achieve my goal to atleast hold 1 BCH in the future for my son. ☺️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I am 27 yrs old with a son. I am here to gain knowledge about crypto especially BCH. With this article, I had learned that BCH really will help people especially those who in needs. The future is bright ahead. I hope, I can achieve my goal to atleast hold 1 BCH in the future for my son. ☺️

I also hope you meet your goals. One BCH, the goal is fine as a short-term goal, but don't stop dreaming and working on it. Maybe more than 1 BCH is waiting for you.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Woaah!! Thank you sir for encouraging me to look forward. I'll put that in mind. 🤗 I love BCH , since the day it helped me for our needs. I am saving some of BCH for the future. ☺️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Woaah!! Thank you sir for encouraging me to look forward. I'll put that in mind. 🤗 I love BCH , since the day it helped me for our needs. I am saving some of BCH for the future. ☺️

Good strategy! Keep the momentum and you will see the achievement of your goals. Greetings.

$ 0.00
3 years ago