Don't be afraid to grow old. Be prepared for it and walk against the system

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2 years ago

Some years ago, I worked as a technical manager for an insurance company in charge of the people area.

On many occasions, I took care of elderly people. Sometimes, I felt helpless that I could not help them as I wanted to.

I remember comparing human beings to elephants.

You know, when is an elephant most vulnerable?

Yes, when it is newborn and when it is old.

Those are the times when predators like the lion usually attack it successfully.

Unless the documentaries do not tell the truth, elephants are intelligent and gregarious animals, abandoning the older and sicker ones to their fate at the mercy of adversaries who were not a threat before.

Sadly, it seems that humans do not escape the laws of nature either (the predominance of the strongest).

Although, come to think of it!

Perhaps, the old and sick elephant just fights to the end to prove to his fellows that he is not a burden.

When I saw how those people; who resort to the use of hospitalization policies to pay for surgical interventions or treatments to alleviate or remedy the causes of their ailments, I thought of the young elephants and how many of us acted indolently.

Perhaps, something was wrong with the system back then, and certainly not today.

I thought: "policy coverage is not always enough. Here the sick person must necessarily turn to the public welfare system with no guarantee. Like the old elephant, he will have to face the herd of hungry lions."

With the recent pandemic, it was more than demonstrated that the health system can suddenly collapse, and crazy ideas behind the scenes repeat voices from the past of a Malthusian kind.

One of those ideas is centered on the idea that the elderly are an unnecessary burden on the state.

And in that sense, some utopian politicians and intellectuals say that old people should die for the sake of the economy and the next generations.

Sure, when you are young, it may even sound logical.

Stop for a moment, and ask your grandparents!

In my case, my grandparents passed away some time ago, including my father. My mother is over 75 years old, and she still feels useful, with a lot of desire to continue living.

In any case, I will sooner rather than later be at the age of being considered a nuisance by these minds with wild ideas and lion-like intentions.

Besides, you are not exempt if you consider that by 2050 it will be impossible to keep seniors in retirement. The years fly by as you celebrate each birthday.

So, we are headed for an aging world.

Well! If you also consider the fashionable thesis of climate change, things get complicated.

Put next to that is an aging human overpopulation is also guilty of damaging the planet.

What a black future that is forged in our days!

By the way! My eldest son is already 33 years old and agrees to exterminate the useless. Perhaps, he jokes or was captured by the crazy ideas of those who despise the value of all life.

So I ask myself, what is the utility of your life today?

If yours? That's what I asked him as a counter-argument.

Although it is not superfluous, my friend who reads me, ask yourself the same question!

One of the solutions to the problem presented to us is to limit the birth rate, but this undoubtedly also affects the (economic) generational replacement.

Of course, the advocates of the fourth industrial revolution are already proclaiming that routine work will be absorbed by robots, leaving time for people to enjoy other more: valuable activities.

However, I wonder:

who will enjoy that time, and what will be the "valuable activities"?

Wait a minute, stop!

They talk about having too many people on the planet. That such excess contributes to the threat to nature and produces public finances a negative effect when people become useless as they grow old. So governments should get rid of the retirement charge.

Consequently, people will have to save for their retirement.

The future is chaotic and unpredictable.

Therefore, it is understandable that the ills of old age (chronic pain or dementia) generate fear of growing old without proper protection.

So why work in the end, there is no guarantee for old age?

The idea seems convincing and tries to nestle in the heads of the naive or those who think they are part of the coming system.

Don't be fooled; this is a total fallacy.

Do not believe that dying young is the best retirement plan.

When they tell you that the death of the old or useless is a duty or privilege for the economy and future of humanity, tell them they are wrong.

Nor consider euthanasia an alternative to the failure to have a dignified old age.

The (super individualist) elites espouse these arguments based on the conception that children, the sick, and the old are a plague to be exterminated. They think of overpopulation as the cause of the world's ills.

I don't know if you agree with such a vision?

I believe that the human soul is so precious that it needs space and conditions to continue evolving.

Yes, there are many evils in the world.

But they are not due to an excess of people. On the contrary, perhaps it can be attributed to the quality of the soul of the controllers of a system where the most relevant thing is consumerism.

The problem is not aging but how we age.

To have respect for those who took care of us in childhood and to reciprocate when they can no longer give more if that is the case.

One never retires from life until one dies.

A united and supportive family is the best insurance policy.

An original article by @Jnavedan

The thumbnail by  Image by Kieran MacAuliffe en Pixabay 

Cover image by   Gerd Altmann en Pixabay 

I end by thanking all my colleagues in the community, who add value every day here. As well as all my sponsors for believing in the content I share with you.

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2 years ago


We cannot escape the aging process and all we have to do is embrace it wholeheartedly. I love elderly people and I am thankful that both side of my grandparents are still alive. Hmm. We're really overpopulated, still the rising numbers of birth rate is unstoppable.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We cannot escape the aging process and all we have to do is embrace it wholeheartedly. I love elderly people and I am thankful that both side of my grandparents are still alive. Hmm. We're really overpopulated, still the rising numbers of birth rate is unstoppable.

Hello, my friend.

I am so glad you are fortunate to have your grandparents alive. Take all you can from them, and most of all, enjoy sharing with them.

Yes, certain regions of the world have a high birth rate, while others do not. Therefore, migration will continue to be the pattern of this century.

I wonder, how much of a myth is the overpopulation problem?


$ 0.00
2 years ago