Crypto Ramblings: Experiences of a crypto blogger

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Avatar for Jnavedan
1 year ago

Enjoy blogging

Today was a day to incubate ideas to solve the inner chaotic context, and that affects the efficiency of my productivity as a crypto blogger writer.

While I have been writing for over three years on various topics: trying to find the niche or the right community that appreciates my content. I still feel that I have not fully succeeded.

Of course, I won't lie to you! I see a significant difference in quality between the novice writer of yesterday and the one I am today.

For sure! Tenacity in continued practice fructified the art of expressing ideas and feelings.

Now, improving your writing is easier with the computer applications and resources available, when contrasted with the not-so-distant past.

So the pre-information age generations of writers have inestimable and colossal merit. Ask yourself if fifty years ago, you, my dear fellow crypto bloggers, would have embarked on this venture.

I suspect you would.

And writing is not like talking! Don't get me wrong. Speaking correctly and eloquently is also an art in itself.

Even reading with accuracy is not as easy as it seems: if you lack the minimum acceptable vocabulary.

In that sense, all of us who dabble in blogging are part of a privileged caste: be a reader or writer. How many of your friends are immersed in the crypto-verse?

I guess they won't be many right now. But believe me, soon will be by force.

Which doesn't mean they will be bloggers like you. Mind you, you being a pioneer: you'll be ahead of them.

I wonder, how chaotic is your writing process? How do you manage to be as prolific as possible? Do you write just to get tips?

I confess that I started writing for the tips. I would be a hypocrite if I said I do it just for enjoyment or for the satisfaction of the audience's attention.

But I must also tell you that, as the months went by, the initial need became a vocation (which was dormant), and I find it very rewarding.

Perhaps you feel as I do: the joy of a well-written post.

Also, if you are one of those who want to reach a global audience. You must necessarily do it in a language that is not your native tongue.

The biggest obstacle is that you are not exactly a natural polyglot.

Even in your own language, you sometimes have difficulty writing correctly.

Yes! And to top it off, English spelling and syntax are very different from yours.

This is where technology comes to your aid, as long as it doesn't inhibit you or change what you want to express.

I am sure you have several lexical and grammatical tools at your disposal to meet your writing goals. And if you are a perfectionist, as I assume you are. You will work much harder than a native writer.

In my case, writing correctly in English has also contributed to improving my writing proficiency in my native language. For transliteration, the better the quality and order of your ideas, the better the tools will do their job.

You may ask, how do you know if you write well in English?

Blogging: Practice makes perfect

Well! I don't know for sure. But three years of conscientious writing gives you some expertise, using the computer crutches, and from the positive and corrective feedback from English speakers during that time.

So I guess: I make myself perfectly understood.

If not, feel free to correct me with respect, please.

Maybe you also, at times, feel exhausted like me. Fortunately, it's likely that (like me) you don't have a boss. So give yourself a well-deserved leave whenever you want.

Yes, that's right! In addition to taking a break, it's also good for us to sharpen the saw: that is, to rethink how we're doing things, fix the inefficiencies, and then come back with new energy.

In my particular case, I have other goals related to content creation in mind that I don't want to postpone due to a lack of organization. Maybe that's a topic for a new article.

Enjoy writing responsibly, trying to improve the world around you. 

An original article by @Jnavedan

The thumbnail by Tumisu on Pixabay 

Cover image by  CreationOffice on Pixabay 

I end by thanking all my colleagues in the community, who add value every day here. As well as all my sponsors for believing in the content I share with you.

$ 5.12
$ 5.05 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @ARTicLEE
$ 0.01 from @Mictorrani
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Avatar for Jnavedan
1 year ago


I have been writing in different platforms but more of fun. The idea of writing like a pro did enter my mind when I started out but over time, time is not of the essence so I haven't given much thought about improving but maybe I should. If I don't get lazy lol!

$ 0.00
1 year ago