BCH is Bitcoin, BTC is no longer Bitcoin

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3 years ago

I just read @MarcDeMesel 's tweet where he categorically repeats the sentence that "BCH is Bitcoin, and BTC is no longer Bitcoin." In this sense, I searched for the string of characters cited by Marc in Google and I found only two entries, the tweet in Marc and a link to a Reddit forum. In the era of the NFT’s, I am tempted to tokenize Marc's tweet on https://www.juungle.net/#/. Who knows, how much could it be worth in the future when Bitcoin is massively adopted? Have no doubts, it will be so. And remember that BCH is the real Bitcoin.

Source: Screenshot of Marc De Mesel's tweet

Source: Screenshot search in Google about "BCH is Bitcoin, BTC is no longer Bitcoin"

Additionally, I did the same search on Presearch, a decentralized browser that rewards with its token. The result, curiously the sentence also had two entries. A common one, the post on Reddit with the link to the article by @Jessquit on read.cash, and the one from Quora, which I discarded at the end because it does not coincide exactly.

Source: Screenshot in Presearh about "BCH is Bitcoin, BTC in no longer Bitcoin"

Source: Screenshot in Quora about "BCH is Bitcoin, BTC in no longer Bitcoin"

I think this sentence may be iconic at some point in the near future.

Some pertinent considerations

In the comment thread, several people disagreed with unwise arguments such as the one that told him that Marc did not decide, to which @btcfork responded, people, will decide in the end. Another said Gavin wrong showing a graph showing the loss of value. I wonder, doesn't this person know why BCH is undervalued?

Then I read the comment where one claims that Gavin recently stated that Graig Wright probably signed the first blocks, and consequently is Satoshi, so BSV is Bitcoin. A somewhat old controversy according to the times of the digital world.

There were those who sarcastically based on the current price of BTC! As if you and I are unaware that the price is overvalued by large institutional investors who are the ones who have distorted the original essence of the project. I have my theory about it, but I will reserve it so that they do not say that I spread conspiracy theories.

Also, someone said that BCH has already lost the advertising cycle and that proof-of-work coins might become uninteresting due to ecological reasons. The disastrous phrase that money decided who is the winner, seemed shameful to me since it betrays the foundation of real Bitcoin, on the contrary, in the end, BHC will end fiat money.

Offensive phrases, such as Gifs shown mocking clowns, denote the intolerance and lack of arguments of some to hold a high-profile discussion. The maximalists of BTC resemble fanatics who have not realized that the division works against those who seek to bring to the world a solution that will eradicate the prevailing corrupt system.

Final thoughts

You will have noticed the subtle pattern of contempt towards real bitcoin and the weak arguments made against Marc's lapidary and forceful sentence.

Card designed by the author

In a Reddit forum I asked about the BTC ecosystem and the answer I got did not surprise me at all, it is practically non-existent based on how congested it is, instead, the BCH ecosystem, I correct, the real Bitcoin is flourishing and every day increases, as well as the volume and speed of transactions, from buses to large amounts and with low fees.

Those who live here on read.cash and noise.cash, are very fortunate to be pioneers in a world that is soon to change.

Courtesy of Pixabay

An original article by @Jnavedan

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3 years ago


BCH is real bitcoin there are many reason's to say or prove this indeed you did it very smoothly and btc Maxi's will never going to accept BCH is real bitcoin they always act like a 9 year old kid

$ 0.00
3 years ago

BCH is real bitcoin there are many reason's to say or prove this indeed you did it very smoothly and btc Maxi's will never going to accept BCH is real bitcoin they always act like a 9 year old kid

Yes, you are quite right in what you say. Here in read.cash there are several articles that develop very well the arguments of why BCH is the real Bitcoin

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Then I read the comment where one claims that Gavin recently stated that Graig Wright probably signed the first blocks, and consequently is Satoshi, so BSV is Bitcoin. A somewhat old controversy according to the times of the digital world.

The people who say that will not tell you that Gavin changed his mind later on, and said he was not sure about it.

They just want to sell a narrative via half truths. Some outright want to smear Gavin's character, despite in the same situation they would probably have fared much worse.

$ 10.00
User's avatar btcfork
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3 years ago

Then I read the comment where one claims that Gavin recently stated that Graig Wright probably signed the first blocks, and consequently is Satoshi, so BSV is Bitcoin. A somewhat old controversy according to the times of the digital world.

Totally I agree with you. t seems that Twitter is riddled with censorship and fake news. I have not been a big fan of this social network, but I understand now that the battle is fought wherever it appears

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Good evening everyone 😊😊❤️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

So how do we call BTC now if its bot already bit oin im still confused 🤔 i cant really get it yet.

$ 0.00
3 years ago