A twist: Almost a year at read.cash
January 24, 2022
Thanks to my God for every day of my life.
Wow! Next Friday, 28th, I will be one-year-old writing regularly in Readcash. A cycle in terms of experiences. And it is that life is an accumulation of traveling a singular circle at each turn. Whose meaning depends on ourselves.
The day I entered the community, I was among the 164 newcomers who joined the 48,648 users back then. Today, almost a year later, we are 82,685 and growing.
In retrospect, that day, 357 articles covered various topics of interest, both cryptographic and general. I remember the first welcome comment from @Telesfor as a tip and the one from @ErdoganTalk. Thanks, my virtual friends.
Although the first time I read about read.cash, it was an article outside the platform whose author is @CryptoSorted.
Well, it would take more than a month, and after trying noise.cash. I took the final step but not before investigating the quality of the articles available and the purpose of the platform itself.
I reiterate what I said in my presentation post; there is a lot of quality here and a lot of commitment in the authors with the philosophy behind Bitcoin Cash. Something I was unaware of at the time.
Like you, I also entered the platform looking for tips. But I soon learned, Bitcoin Cash's (BCH) voluntarist motivation and libertarian purpose I understood at the heart of the 2017 secessionist war and the subsequent skirmishes that gave rise to Bitcoin SV and Bitcoin ABC (Now eCash).
Today I can distinguish which is the real bitcoin.
I wonder, do you know what the original bitcoin is and why?
Well. If you don't know yet! I think it's not too late to find out. Sure, in read.cash, you will find enough arguments to discern about it. So I invite you to do your research (DYOR).
Ask yourself, who is behind the scenes at read.cash and noise.cash? What gets them excited? Why is someone so generous to fund both sites?
I again recommend that you investigate for yourself.
Nothing I tell you matters. At least you can confirm it.
Yes indeed! I am very grateful to them for such a magnificent job in spreading a truth that the interested parties of the financial elites want to bury.
Today, many are worried about the drop in cryptocurrency prices. Some are panicking, seeing the supposed diminished value of their preferred cryptos, in terms of the unit of measure.
If there is one thing I have learned, it is the volatile behavior of the market influenced by opposing forces as the inevitable transition to a new system unfolds.
The day will come; when the dollar, as a unit of measurement, will be history, giving way to bitcoin, which will be the catalyst for a fairer world.
Of course, the path is not free of obstacles. Nothing is written on the game board yet. Perhaps, they are just the wishes of another idealist dissatisfied with an unjust system.
While the battle for power continues, I hope that a platform like this one continues with the purpose of educating and moving towards new stages where it is needed.
I end by thanking all my colleagues in the community, who contribute value daily here, and all my sponsors for believing in the content that I share with you.
An original article by @Jnavedan
The thumbnail image by Benoît DE HAAS on Pixabay
Wow, so you will be celebrating a read cash one year anniversary next moth. Congrats to you, many more years to come in good health and prosperity.