Sore Hands

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3 years ago
Topics: Club1BCH, Health

What causes a sore hand?

Some people say that a sore hand is a symptom of Parkinson’s disease. But the most studied cause of tremor is the so -called essential tremor. Essential tremor is the most common mental illness affecting the elderly, but it is not yet fully understood by experts. This disease is probably caused by interactions with the proper functioning of the cerebellum, the part of the brain that directly controls human action. Experts are not sure what causes these interactions and how they can be stopped. They are also not sure if it is due to the aging process.

What are the symptoms of a sore hand?

People with paralyzed hands experience frequent tremors of the hands. This action is uncontrollable and can be experienced not only on the feet but also on the arms, head and throat. In comparison, people with Parkinson’s disease can experience muscle tremors when they don’t use them, while the tremor decreases as they use their muscles more. Tremors of the hands can also be caused by the following: Convulsions Overactive ,thyroid gland Cerebrum disease, Huntington’s disease, Side effects of a particular drug, Drinking too much coffee ,Excessive alcohol consumption ,Too much worry ,Low blood sugar

What is the medicine for a sore hand?

Not all cases of shaking or paralyzed hands require medication, your doctor will tell you if you need to take medication. You may need to take medicine with a sore hand. Here are some of the medications that can be prescribed for shaking hands:

A.Gabapentin or Neurontin and topiramate or Topamax. These are drugs used to treat convulsions. The doctor will give another prescription if it does not work.

B. Alprazolam or Xanax. It is a remedy for spasm or tremor if the cause is anxiety or excessive worry or panic disorder. According to experts, this drug can also be used to treat muscle tremors. This medicine should be taken with strict caution as it can be very addictive.

C. Botox. Botox is also an effective remedy for shivering or numb hands. This drug can cause permanent weakness of the muscles in the area where it will be injected. So talk to your doctor about the benefits and risks of using it. Successful botox treatment can be effective within three months. So you will need a follow up injection to keep the comfort going.

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Club1BCH, Health
