How I Got Into Noise.Cash: My Journey

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Avatar for Jinifer
3 years ago

Article 1

An article dedicated to @Corpsekunno

Hi, everyone! My name is Jinifer, and I go by Jinifer on the website as well. Actually, my real name is Jeany Pearl. I just spelled it Jinifer so that my relatives would not find out that it was me. (LoL)

The irony is that I despise being referred to as Jinifer or even Jeany. "Pearl" is my preferred moniker. What's more, guess what? Now, both in and, I'm stuck with the name Jinifer. I'm not sure what was going through my mind when I created the account. "Kazumaa chan" was meant to be the name, but they won't accept it. And because I was bored at the time, I tried the name "Jinifer," which they thankfully accepted. And I'm at a loss for a name, so I'll just go with "Jinifer."

I'm already twenty years old, but my height is still that of an elementary school student, and it refuses to cooperate with my age (lol). I'm a second-year college student (soon to be third year student if the thesis paper will finally be approved) lol pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management. It was supposed to be culinary arts because I enjoy cooking and baking pastries, but I declined because I knew we couldn't afford the fees. That is why I chose BSHM over other options.

My uncle and aunt both want me to take a board course because they believe it will be more challenging than any other. Which is also a little disrespectful because I solely take non-board courses. My uncle wants me to major in engineering, any kind of engineering as long as it's an engineering course same as his. He's a mechanical engineer, by the way. My aunt, on the other hand, wants me to study Med-tech since she is a nurse and she wants me to travel to Canada and work there because they also live there. They're Canadian citizen. I, on the other hand, did not pay attention to them. I continued with my studies. I was thinking to myself, "Nah, I'm going to do what I want. I can't envision myself in a situation where I don't belong."

Let's move forward to my Journey

My journey into began when a friend of mine, Leigh ( @Corpsekunno ) invited me to sign in. At first, I wasn't really interested because I'd already seen a lot on social media where lots of people post stuff that can earn money, but it turns out to be a scam platform. I saw her post this on Facebook about and thought to myself: "Nah, it's just a waste of time", because I really thought it was like the other sites where you need to recruit other people for you to gain money, and I'm too lazy for that lol. A couple of days later, I asked her about it. I also asked her about lots of random stuff (can't blame me though, I have trust issues). LOL. Out of boredom, I just followed what she said and I signed in to
In February, I officially signed up for I can still remember my first post to that platform and it's "I should've been a cat, no stress just meow".

My first week was fantastic; I met new people. All of them were very friendly. I posted a variety of messages, the majority of which were good morning and evening greetings. Like "Good Evening Noise" and "Good Morning Noise", I wasn't aware of the rules at that time. When I first received a tip, I was truly convinced that it wasn't a scam. It motivates me to post more and interact with other users. 
In my first month, I was happy because I earned real money, even though it was just a small amount. But I became preoccupied with my schoolwork and I'm no longer that active in, so I stopped using it for a couple of months, but I didn't close the tab and I just left it there. All of my savings ended up with my friends and classmates, who asked for loads and didn't pay me back.

 I've been so preoccupied with my studies that I've completely forgotten about the While scrolling through Facebook stories, I saw Leigh's (Corpsekkuno) Facebook story about noise. The word "noise" then flashed across my mind. So I decided to take a look at if I could still be able to access my account. I've been inactive for 2 months, so I expect that my account has already been deleted. Surprisingly, I could still access my account, and when I returned, I noticed many changes on that platform. My friend even told me that I had just missed a lot of updates on that platform. And yes, I saw some changes when I opened it. I noticed that the tip was gone and replaced by a heart, which I liked the most. I give out a lot of hearts to different users, but they have no value. I interacted and interact a lot of users until I achieved 100 subscribers. I still remember my initial reaction when I discovered that my heart already had values, as I was both happy and excited. I continued to give hearts to every post that appeared in my news feed, despite the fact that I had received no hearts of any value from other users. Well, I really don't mind not receiving hearts from others. As long as I can give hearts to other users, then I'm happy with it.

I got to know more friendly users and even became friends with other users. I was overjoyed when I received my first payout of $0.50, which had taken me weeks to achieve. Until it became $1 and $2. My journey is like a BCH, sometimes high, sometimes low. There are times I receive values and most of the time without values. But I really don't mind at all. As long as I'm enjoying it, then I'm cool with it.
I'm even more in love with this platform now that I know the majority of the users aren't toxic, unlike on other social media platforms. I'm extremely grateful to Leigh ( @Corpsekunno ) for introducing the to me. Without her, I would not have met some amazing and wholesome people.

$ 0.53
$ 0.20 from @immaryandmerry
$ 0.10 from @Corpsekunno
$ 0.06 from @Eunoia
+ 4
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Avatar for Jinifer
3 years ago


Well a belated welcome to read from me. So you go as Pearl, I shall see if I find you on noise too.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hello, thank you for passing by and reading my introduction article. I really appreciate it ❣️ See you around in noise and I guess you'll be seeing me often here in read cash too 😂

$ 0.00
3 years ago

So I came here to find something juicy and I found your intro post and decided to read it. But before then, welcome to Jinifer, or Jeany, anyone is fine by me lol. And don't worry, your family members won't be able to fish you out here even if they wanted to😂😂

As for your height not cooperating with your age? I can totally relate cause my body doesn't cooperate with my age either😂😂

It's nice to know a little bit about you and your friend did so well to introduce you here. I have read some of her posts and they are good and I still can't forget one of her articles I read that she was always having bad luck falling in love with gays😂😂 that her friends usually tease her about it lol.

Wait why are we talking about Corp? Back to you my dear lol. You really have a lot of work to do here, hope your friend told you this part?🤔😂 don't mean to scare you off though but the only way to get along with people here is to interact with them on their articles. Should I give you some tips? My secret hack? "SCREAM until someone notices you😂😂😂 just kidding dear, no need to scream lol. Just be yourself, explore, and remember to have fun.

You may likely not see me often but if you impress me, I might likely stop by😉😀 For now, take care and enjoy your journey here JP.

$ 0.05
3 years ago

Omg. I was touched by your long messages, I really appreciate it. Thank you so much for reading my article though I'm still a newbie here. Yes, you're right that's what other users also told me about interacting to other users and to get along with them. I am a silent reader of yours before I met you in telegram. One of your article was one of the first thing that pops up on my rc so I didn't hesitate to read it. When I found out that you're also in a group chat in telegram and you're the other Pearl, I didn't hesitate to reply to your post. Your post was quite funny tho and it's full of sense tbh.

Thank you for stopping by Pearl (2) ❣️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

welcome aboard kahit late na ang pagwelcome ko hahaha. sana maenjoy mo journey mo dito the same way na naeenjoy mo ang noise.

also, I can relate with taking a course na walang exam. ang lakas nila mangdegrade pero whatever. bahala nga sila ahahahaha. magkabatch pala tayo. saka sana all cookerist! pero bakit sunog ang pancake mo? hahaha

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Welcomeeee ditooo. Looking forward for your upcoming articles ❤

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow. bago palang nga talaga is you dito. Sana all Maingay sa Noise ako ay taga post lang ng link ko doon sa channel ni Ate Ruffa 😩💚

Edit: Welcome here Btw. 🤩 looking forward for your new published Articles in the future 💚

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Welcome here Pearly hehe. Keep working and writing article, this platform don't need high degree English capability so try to work one article per day so people here will notice your existence. My support is with you 🙃😉

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Me I can't remember who's the one invited me to sign up and use But I'm still thankful to him/her because he/she introduced me to a good website.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I'm so lucky she introduced and to me. I'm forever grateful 💖. Same as you, we're both lucky ☺️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Karon nasad 🤗 hope you’ll enjoy this platform too 🤧♥️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you so much Leigh. Kiss ko bi pina tapsing 🤣🤣🤣

$ 0.00
3 years ago