Have you seen Luna?

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2 years ago

Happy Easter Sunday, everyone! I hope you guys had a great and blessed Sunday today. How has your day been going so far?

Today was the christening day of my cousin’s baby girl. I was torn between attending the christening or going with my other cousins who wanted to take a dip in cold spring. I didn’t know where to go, so I just ended up staying at home and finishing something that needed to be done. LOL. One of my cousins has been telling me to go with them because they noticed that I have been on my laptop lately and I was not able to hang out with them like we used to. But I just told him that I’d just stay at home because I needed to finish something.

My other siblings attended the christening of our cousin’s baby, and I just told her to set aside a dessert for me because I couldn’t go to their place. After a few hours, I already saw some photos that they had sent in our group messages. I kind of felt a little jealous when I saw how beautiful the water was. It was crystal clear and some parts were so blue. Knowing that it was spring, it looks so refreshing. There are some shallow parts and also deep parts. The deep parts are the parts where the color is blue, while the shallow parts are the parts where the rocks are visible under.

They have been sending videos of themselves diving in the spring and swimming, and I must admit that I felt a little regret not going with them. LOL. They even sent a video of them teasing me that the water was so cold and refreshing that I should have gone with them. The truth is that, even if I went with them, I still couldn’t dip myself in the water or swim because I’m on my period. LOL, perfect timing in this hot, sunny weather. So, I just enjoyed myself by looking at the photos and videos that they sent.

 Just this evening, while I was eating the dessert that my sister brought for me from my cousin, my younger brother shouted from the outside. To tell you honestly, I haven’t gotten out of the house since the morning until the evening. I just got out of the house at 7 in the evening when my younger brother called me. I thought it was something, so I went to check what it was. Then he said to me to look up and see how beautiful the moon is. When I looked up, my jaw literally dropped when I saw how beautiful she truly is. It was so beautiful and I fell in love right away when I looked at it.

I’ve been staring at it for such a long time that I forgot that I was holding a plate with a cake and cupcake on it. I didn’t even notice that my brother took a big part of the cake. I was so preoccupied with the beauty of the moon. lol. I forgot to take my phone with me because the one that I was holding was the plate and my phone was in my room. I was not able to take a photo with it, so I just pretended that I had a photographic memory. Lmao.

And just as I was writing this one, I went outside again and brought my phone, but too bad when I was about to capture the moon, she was already hiding behind the dark, thick clouds. And just like when I entered the house, the rain started pouring. What a perfect timing, indeed.

Time Check: 11:35 pm and I am preparing my hot chocolate with some biscuits while listening to the sounds of the pouring rain.

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Jini's Note:

Hey there, awesome read cash buddies! Thanks for dropping by, I truly appreciate your presence here!

Stay safe and stay hydrated always!

Sending my warmest hug :>

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Avatar for Jinifer
2 years ago


Sometimes staying at home is still the best option. The important thing is that you got dessert.😀 The moon is beautiful. Sometimes these little things make the day better than other events.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

yes sis, staying at home is always the best option

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There are days when you don't want to go out anywhere, it's a matter of our family understanding that they should respect our decisions. I like to stay at home, knit and watch movies on Sundays and although my friends tell me whatever they want, I follow my own opinion, I do what I like.

We can't live to do what others want but what we want.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

you're absolutely right ma'am Carol, and staying at home is the most relaxing thing ever

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Same here, Mare. I saw how the sky looks so dark when I was in a ride going home. I thought that it's going to rain but it didn't. Ayun pala maganda lang ang palabas ng buwan kagabi. I even took a photo of it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

di me nakakuha ng picture mare eh, kasi nong mag ppicture na sana ako eh di na visible yung moon kasi sobrang dark na nong clouds

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Looks like you had a pretty good reason for not going to the spring with your cousin, which means you could have just gone for the christening 😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago

but still ended up deciding to stay at home HAHAHA

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I was about to put the the mope outside last night and the moon was so big and yellow. I was scared because it might attract aswangs haha kidding.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

oo talgaaa sobrang lakiii parang vampire vibes lang hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ang ganda nga daw ng moon Langga sabi ng cousin ko. Nag my day talaga siya kagabi regarding sa moon. May picture tas yung moon. Nakita ko. Parang nakaraang gabi ata siya nag My day Langga.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

oo ate, the other night ingon ato sad gihapon ang moon, pero pagka gabie palang ko naka kita to

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahahaha natawa ako sa ginawa ng brother mo haha. Ang kulit haha. Anyways, diko yan nakita kasi tinamad ako lumabas hahahaha. Ewan ko ba naaappreciate ko naman ang kagandahan nila pero bat ang tamad ko no,nhahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

kagabi ko nga lang din ulit nakita yung moon ate eh, kasi these past few weeks maulan eh. Tas pagka kita ko talaga sa moon, sobrang namangha talaga ako haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

If you had followed your friends to the spring, it could have been fun with you too especially taking much pictures for a show here. The moon looks so beautiful.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

yes, but then I might just get jealous of them swimming while I was just in the corner LOL

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ohh you are so blessed to see this. I only saw it once in my life and I want to see it again. Btw enjoy the rain. Happy easter!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

hello there, mate! I hope you had a great day

$ 0.00
2 years ago