Self-Care Questions | How Am I Feeling Today?

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1 year ago


Happy weekend, y'all! It is already half of January. I think it is safe to safe that I am very much back now in reality. 🤣 Holiday is over! (Well, in my case, mentality).

So, after the holiday, have you asked yourself how did your get-together go? I do hope that you enjoyed the holiday.

In this blog, I just want to check out myself through these self-care questions.

1) How do I feel at this moment?

I feel very energetic right now. Just done working out. I feel more energized and hyper after a good workout. Perhaps because of the flow of blood, and all, haha! I do not really know the Science behind it, but working out is so relaxing. It clears your headspace. I suggest that if you feel down, a little sketching can relax your mind and body.

Also, I had one hour of nap. 😍

2) What do I crave in life?

I do not really have a "craving" in life for now, more like an aspiration. I am not going to lie that I want to be rich as F! But the truth is, I just want to be happy and healthy. If having a lot of money is being happy, then I want to be rich! I do not believe that money cannot buy happiness (Well, most part of it).

When I can buy what I want and provide for my family, that is when I am the happiest. See, money is not really the root of evil. The root of evil is the love of money.

3) What makes me happiest?

I am happy when I am stuffed haha! 🤣 Who does not like good food? Kidding aside, I am the happiest when I do not have to think of a single thing to worry about for the day. We always have constant worries in a day. It could be a deadline, a meeting, a financial matter, etc.

There is always to worry about. So, I guess I am happy when I am asleep HAHA! That is the only time I have to myself after a day full of faces. It is kind of tiring little by little throughout the day.

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4) What are the positives in my life?

If positive means something that makes me happy, I can say it is my friends online. Of course, I have my family and IRL friends. But lately, they are my source of joy especially when we are playing Mafia or Among Us. I can forget the real world for a minute.

5) What am I thankful for?

The quick answer is I am thankful for what I have now. I am thankful that I have a home, warm clothes, food, and just the basic needs in life. Some people do not have these things, and so I should not take them for granted.

I admit that I do not see the bad side of everything but I know for sure that somewhere in the corner of the world, there are people dying because of hunger. So, I am thankful every day.

Thanks for reading!

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That is it for this art blog. I will see you at the next one!

📸 All photos are owned and taken by me, otherwise credited.

$ 0.20
$ 0.20 from @Coolmidwestguy
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1 year ago


Eheee, let me save this, I want to answer this one. Same tayo sa what am I craving in my life hahaha. I want to be rich, I am craving for money! Haha

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Legit. Can't lie that money makes us happy. Will wait for your answers, Ruff~

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Good questions and I like your answers to them. It's good not to look at the downside of all things. I think that can take away our motivation to do things. Its always good to be thankful for what we have because like you said there are those who have it worse than us.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I totally agree. Life is good~ enjoy it to the fullest~

$ 0.02
1 year ago