We Are Foodies Part 2

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Written by
2 years ago

My last post was almost 3 days ago. I have been meaning to write one but days in capital were tight. Specially last two days. I had to check my laptop before leaving the capital. My mom wanted me to buy 'Bakarkhani', a special type of bakery food that looks like biscuit but taste is different. That food is not available in our locality, and actually rare to find. So, I had to spend some time to find the food and finally I spent an evening with my aunt who recently suffered a heart attack. She is over 70 Y/O and that's why I went to met her because their life has less certainty than ours. So it's better to give them happiness while they are still between us.😄

So, even if I wanted to write regularly, I face sudden events. Like from tomorrow, my class is going to start. So, may be I won't be able to write everyday, But I will write more or less. I hope, I won't disappear like last time😄. I have plenty of time before next exams😁. Anyway, here weeeee goooo.

The 2nd day was a blast for us. We mixed out investment in quality restaurant and also in street food. So, use of mony wisely and got good results by the end of the day.

Our 2nd day programme started from the lunch. We went to a popular restaurant in the locality. The place was good and smart. We didn't waste too much time and ordered 'The hidden pasta' item which costs 4$. This is the first time I found a smart restaurant in that locality that provides a device that will let us know when the food is prepared and then we will be able to collect it.

It took them around 25 mins to prepare the food. Meanwhile we talked about football games, transfer market, and other things. We didn't let us bore ourselves😁.

The device has red list all around it and vibrates and a little clock alarm is set. When it started vibrating and alarm was ringing, we collected our food. The hidden pasta is not like the other pastas. It looks like pizza and served on a soft bun. The price of the item increased this month but the size didn't significantly. But enough for two people.

It was juicy, full of meat, but not so mashroom. We used white sauce and tomato ketchup to make is more tasty. The bun of soft which made the item enjoyable. But I thought the bun was thicker than It should be😐. My friend wasn't satisfied with the item to be honest. But I enjoyed it because of so much meat. But I also thought, the price was too high. It should be around 2.2$ according to me.

Next, we went to a restarant to anter restaurant and another friend joined us there. Like previous day, we couldn't find the item we wanted to eat there. But I have tasted it previously. So, sharing about it here.

That item is called 'Dalim'. It's a special type of liquid item. It's made of different type of pulse and grinded beef is added. It's taste is spicy, not sweet. The item is different then we taste usually. So, tasty that we went there two days to taste it but it was not available then😭.

So, with lot's of pain in our heart, we went to a little street food type restaurant to have 'Chola Muri'. It's most common street food of Bangladesh. But we had upgraded item and a 'Peyaju' was added. Only 12 cent. Best to have this when you are hungry but has less money. Super tasty, super satisfied.👌

Later we went to another stall to have oily snacks. We call those item 'Vaja Pora' in a collective form. We ate 'Puri' and 'Mashroom chop'. I didn't like these. Mashroom one was the worst. Definitly should skip these if you have gas problems.

We ended our day with something nice. It's 'Nut tea'. There were grind nuts in it. Some Full, Cream, Milk Powder and horlicks as well. The taste was awesome. I liked the cup too much. Authentic one👌. But thing is I won't taste it again because I have nut allergy😑.

I like a busicuit called 'Patata'. It tastes like chips and when the buscuit mix with the lower end of tongue, it tastes like potato. There masala on the buscuit is not chilli one. It's magic masala but bit spicy as well. Thin and flat. They suddenly started talking about the biscuit and so I thought I should bought one and let them taste since I like it so much. One of my friends liked it because of the taste, masala and flavour but another one said that it wasn't crispy enough for him. Can't do anything about it but I this is my most favourite buscuit😄.

So, then we gossiped a lot. About tour and series we saw recently like 'The Silent Sea', 'Alice in Borderland' and also talked about the good old 'Game of thrones' and laughed about many events🤣. So, that's how our day ended.

Like I said, we didn't get that 'Dalim' item. So, we planned to eat it from elsewhere but we were so full that, we moved the plan for next day. Believe me, if we had that item after having all these, my belly would blown off.

But sadly, that was the end of foodie journey. We planned for day three but as I was busy, I couldn't manage time. So, last part😐. I think you will like it because all the foods here are almost new and unique to you guys.

Come to Bangladesh. The treat will be in my house👌. Anyway🤣, thanks for you time here😗.

$ 5.33
$ 5.25 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Jane
$ 0.03 from @Hanzell
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Written by
2 years ago


Yo, I've already tasted 'Patata' and I think it's not that bad. Been craving for pizza right after I've read this article. Good luck on your studies and I hope your aunt is alright!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh my...i love the one like pizza.. 2nd time to see post with pizza you guys made me crave for it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago