The Unpleasant Trip🤦‍♂️

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2 years ago

So, I have shared many imginary stories/fictions here previousy. How about a real one today?

I was in 10th class. This is about my last picnic of school. I've never been to a school picnic because my family didn't allow me to go on a picnic from school. I have been naughty and SCPSC,my school, is full of advanced students. So, my parents thought we would do extreme and any accident will occur. Moreover, I also had no interest before as I would love to watch anime rather than go wild. But this time I wanted to go on this picnic so eagerly as I wanted to keep some precious memories before ending my school. Though I wanted to go but my mom was'nt ready to give me permission for that. That's why I was a little bit upset. My friends were keep trying to convince my mom. But she wasn’t ready to listen anything. So, I thought I would not go.

But my friends were not ready to give up. We had a friendly teacher named Rashed and my friends went to him and told him everything. Een though I am a boy, I was young and at adolescent is the peak moment of boyhood. We understood her concern but it's time give a bit freedom and if I do not get tested, I would never get my freedom. We exlained everything to my teacher and he told me not to worry. e asked what happened. He told us that if she would talk to my mom. I gave him my mom's number. He was trying to convince my mom. And finally he succeed to convince my mom. We were so happy that finally we were going to the picnic. But my mom was still angry with me. Next day was the day to go to the picnic. However I was very happy.

We all went to school at 7 o clock next morning. There were 3 buses for us. 1 of them was for boys, 1 for the girls and 1 for the teachers. Our started the journey around 9 o clock. We were singing, dancing in the bus. At one point our bus stopped because of jam. It was 23 march. So it was so hot there. But still we were having fun. We reached at the picnic spot around 4:30pm. So we hadn’t enough time to explore the spot. But anyway we had our lunch there. We tried to explore the place a little bit. We bought some stuffs from the local people. Our teachers planed a lot of things for us but nothing happend through the plan because it was too late.

We left the place around 7 o clock in the evening. The view from the bus was so good at the evening. We were enjoying that. Soft music was playing on the speaker. Overall everything was just perfect until an incident happened. Our bus was stopped in the middle of the way by a gang. Another 2 buses were too far from our bus. We were around 60 boys in our bus. There were two teachers or in our bus. The driver of our bus went to ask them why they stopped our bus. We had no clue about what was happening. Suddenly they started to beat the driver of our bus. We were in shock. What was going on there? The bus conductor went there and tried to stop them. But he was not able to stop them. We were so scared. Some started crying in fear. We were just watching them fighting. But somehow they were able to escape from there and got on the bus and closed the gate. We also closed the windows as early as possible. They tried to hit the glasses. They started driving. The bus was going too fast. But the gang was continuously following us. They had a lot of knives, sticks with them. Our bus driver told us to keep close the windows of our seats. After some times they stopped following us. We were a little relieved.

We reached at the school around 1 o clock at night. Our parents were present there to receive us. Our bus was the last bus to reach the school. Teachers were asking why our bus was so late. We told everything what we faced. They teachers thought they would tell us not to tell our parents about that as everyone was safe. But they assume that not everyone will be able to keep it secret. In the end they will be questioned and that would create further problem. So, they told us to go to home and next day they gave a letter to us to inform our parents.

SCPSC in actually a Cantonment and army regulated. Our principal is Lieutenant 😛. Later they took action and we heard they caught them. Not sure about that. Many rumours were spread then.

I thought I would not ever get any chances to go in future but my dad told her it was coincidence and I should not get judged by it. It was not in my hand about the journey and we behaved well there. Anyway, as time passed, things were okay and I am with all the freedom in the world. Glad that I grew up as a trustworthy person and it was just the beginning. I made some other trips and one of them wasn't pleasant as well. May be I will tell you about that one later(May be I never got more afraid than that time in my life). May be in next stroy if I don't find a suitable topic between the time. 👌

Stay tuned😛😛😛.

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2 years ago


Trip with school, college or university fellow is always adventurous, lot of chill and good memories. Although I never go for trip since school life. But in 2nd last semester of university thinking to spend time on outings or university trip with fellows!

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2 years ago