The System in Which You Are Born Doesn't Define You

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Written by
2 years ago

I am here after a long time. Almost after 9 months. I viewed many articles. People have changed. They way of their presenting article has changed. Some have made it more started and matured. I like that change.

But I am still the same. My way are the same. I haven't evolved. Typical old Jihan. You need proof? Yeah, this post is from a lesson I have learnt from a animation movie. Just like old time how I used to learn from anime.

Surprisingly, it's not a Japani animation series or movie. It's a chinese movie. The name of the movie is Nezha. One of the best movies I have seen in my life.

Let me discuss the content of the movie on which I am going to make this article. Once, Chaos arrived which was very very strong and couldn't be defeated. So the God himself came and divided the Chaos into two part. One is demon pearl and other is spirit pearl. The demon pearl is the bad part and the spirit pearl is purity.

The God gave a guardian the responsibility of keeping those two pearls safe and give the spirit pearl to the son of the King when he will be born. And gave the demon pearl curse that a lighting thunder will strike upon that part in 3 years and will turn it into dust. That's the way he thought of get rid of the devil pearl. But the guardians partner give the king's son the demon pearl when he was born and gave the spirit pearl to the dragon's son. That's why the lead image contains two boy. Red one represents demon and blue one is spirit.

When the king's son got the demon pearl, he was naturally evil, his instinct, consciousness behave was evil. He attacked the people instantly but somehow a collar ring was used to suppress his power. He was evil and looked like evil kid. Everyone in the village wanted the king to kill him at once and also the guardian was with the villagers. But the king didn't kill his son. He vowed to teach him good things and exiled the village so that Nezha don't hurt any villager.

Whereas the partner who betrayed the guardian stole the spirit pearl and gave to the dragon's son.

They both grew up and in separate way. Nezha was taught good manners, peace and fight for other people even though the king know he was going to die. But the one who deceived the guardian taught the spirit one wrong principles to make him tools to execute their evil plan. So,theory were opposite and nature and were also taught opposite philospohy.

Finally, lot of things happened and the demon becomes the good one for his good teaching and he becomes the savior of the village. On the other hand, the spirit one ended up attacking the village, causing trouble for villagers. A fight occurs between them and demon kid wins the battle.

So I bet everyone would thought the demon pearl one will be the villain as he got demon pearl when he was born and the dragon's son will become the hero. But it turned out oppositely. The only influence was the teaching of their parents and master. It's the lesson they got from their childhood that made then who they were finally. Not their innate sense.

So, what is my purpose of writing this article? You know, this world is a game of race, religion, colour, class etc. People often blame each other on their race. Most common example is racism. The white ones called black one devils, garbage, and white parent would not let their kids play with black ones. The black kids are considered bad and inferior to them from the moment they have born. Same story for the races and religion. Classes. Rich people thing poor are inferior and tell their kids not to mix with their kids. Not only in kids case, this is occuring everywhere, at workplace, job sector etc. Kids with birth marks also become traumatized by the bad words of others.

But our color, our religion, our face, our class don't show who well mannered/bad mannered, well educated/not educated I am. My manner is formed by my surroundings, my parents, elders. It's not influenced by color and not religion cause no religion tells us to become bad people. Rather most of the bullies are people with good color and class.

I often heard about a student in my college whose father wad a rickshaw puller and he is in top 10 between 2000 students. But most rich one are in tea stall and smoking cigarette. So, class doesn't matter. The way we are taught, the way we grew up and began to understand, maintained a self respect. That's what defines a person. Not any mark or color.

So, we have evaluted a person by his ability. We will see how capable he/she is, not judge by stupid stuffs and parameters.

Hope you enjoy the article and it taught you something and you also enjoyed the short review of Nezha here. I hope this teaching will become handy in the beautiful journey of this life.

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Written by
2 years ago


Hey welcome back 😁

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Exams over. I had to come back. It's my home too😛😛😛

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Glad the bot didn't move you to spam haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am surprised as well. And I also got 4$ upvote. I didn't expect anything but bot remembers me😌😌

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm sorry but I didn't read about the movie part, I want to see it for myself because I saw the movie once but didn't watch it so I'll definitely watch this by your recommendation. Anime also thought me some things I couldn't possibly think of. But yeah, we are all equal in some way but some people are really blind to see that.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Anime teach us a lot of things actually that normally we can't think of. It motivates. The writers are mastermind, no doubt. And obviously that's a good decision. If you want to enjoy the movie, don't spoil yourslf by reading that part. The movie is good. I bet you will enjoy it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I sure will, thanks for recommending by the way!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Even if your writings is still the same as before, the thing is we can still learn from it tnas that's what's important Jihan. Glad you're here now again.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

should I try to change my style? What do you think? And how can I change..Need suggestions😛

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahaha no need duhh, if that's where you're comfortable right, so go with it😉

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oki dokkiii🤛🤜

$ 0.00
2 years ago