Spam listed On Noise.Cash🤥 My dual feelings about it

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Written by
2 years ago

Yeah, you heard that right, my account has been spammed on😅.

I have been there since December 2020, one of the oldest users of The journey ends peacefully after 1 year and 3 months.

I am not gonna blame admin/system about it. Rather I appreciate their decision. The reason they named the site NOISE.CASH because they want to make us some noise. Post constantly but I haven't been able to do that recently. During corona, I almost remained full time at home. But after my classes started, everyday 4 classes and then other activities. Overall, my inconsistency is significant. I would enter and find out my free tips are filled but couldn't distribute them. Rather posting new articles. So, this was coming and I have no regret what so ever. Rather, I think I have duel feelings about it. But all of them are positive.

Firstly, it has been a waking up call for me. They way I explain a healthy life is to maintain everything in a good manner. When do we rush? Actually we rush when we are badly in need of something or we are blinded by it. For example, a needy people has to be desperate to earn as he/she lives on hand to mouth. In the opposite case, a rich person who is being blinded by money become desperate to have more and more. But but but, when you are just in middle of this situation, it is more hard to focus as you know you have enough and that 'Enough' part demotivates you to work hard. For my case, Noise cash was my enough part. I can feel how lucky I am in this world that my parents are still alive when I am 23 and they are still taking care of me. I mean, with the fundamentals of life and I manage the else things. But if I omit the less significant things, it won't affect my life that easily. It the fundamental ones? That is life. Bangladesh is not a place where work and study system is on. In abroad, part time job is common. But here, the tradition is not popular. So, tution or freelance. Both are hard. Whereas, to be honest, earning through made me doubtful if I really deserved the money I got. Noise cash is not about quality any more. It's in users hand. They can give you 1 cent and the same person can give you 1$ for a little thing. I never felt I am earning as a writer/content creator there. And another reality/lack is you won't get any reward from user unless you reward them. Vice verse/exchange system has taken place. So, I think I am more happy now that I am more alert, concerned and I have to leave my comfort zones to earn every penny now.

Secondly, I think I have put my legs in two boats and as noise was easier, I didn't focus on read so much. But I think this community is much more fresh, pure and co-operative. Actually read cash members are the core and head in all activities. So, as noise is gone out of my life, I think I am more alert about the situation and would be able to focus more here. Earning there is easy I admit. But it takes little time at once but I have to be active there all they to distribute to the posts and hundreds of posts are posted daily. Whereas, I can maintain my time routine, write at once, read at once/twice/thrice and maintain better here as I think. And to be honest, yeah, I can earn better here than there.

I am not highlighting the good/bad side of read or noise. I am trying to highlighting their impact on my life and based on that, their positive and negative effect. When my younger bro who recently had a break up with his girlfriend heard about my noisecash ID, he said both relationship and maintaining ID is same🤣, both leaves from your life. I laughed a lot. I told him that the problem was me, I didn't give enough time, the things that was wanted by noise and that's why it happened. It wasn't their fault. In his case, he didn't meet up the demand the girl wanted and that's why she broke up. As simple as that.

So, time to focus more here. I had some good interaction in noise but I think time to shift again. It has been my home. Oh,I didn't mention one thing. I was super sick for 3 days when I couldn't enter noise and got spam listed. Probably, my metabolism hugely changed due to losing 12KG and somehow I got dehydrated and got stomach problem. I was so weak that I had to drank almost 7 salines and had to take two high dose antibiotics at a time. 3 days of inactivity and I was spam listed where as Read still tolerates me. Never abandoned me. This is what home is all about. Some of my friends also got spam listed and they trued their best but couldn't get out from the list. So, I think it would a waste of time for me as well. Rather, I should focus on the core😁.

Thank you Read.Cash team. A life changer for me and thousand others. Creating difference since 2020.

A new start for me here. Hello, everyone😛😛.

$ 4.61
$ 4.53 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Ruffa
$ 0.03 from @Hanzell
Sponsors of Jihan
Avatar for Jihan
Written by
2 years ago


Jihannnnnn just try to be active again in noise and that tag as spam will be remove. Come on. Well, only if you have time. But anyways, so happy you're back here again. So let's make some noiseeeeee ehe.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Not true. Once you have been tagged as spam, it is best to create another account and begin anew.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am not sure.. some of my friends tried. They remained hyperactive for some week but it didn't work. So, I am actually doubtful if they would remove the spam tag

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I wonder how you got spmmed in Actually, the new update would detect easily through giving forms of rewards for it would actually notify as an “error giving something”. Unlike before, if you happen to interact with a spmmer without knowing it, you too would be be spmmed but with the new update of the platform, you would easily detect those not to mention that through the free sponsorship of to some users, it would give you really an opportunity to interact and detect those who are auto flagged.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

I don't know actually. I wasn't active for only 2 days due to sickness and when I entered. I found out they stopped me from givibg FTs. Don't know what or how did it happen😷

$ 0.05
2 years ago

To tell you honestly, during my second week in, I actually experienced that. When I entered the platform, I really did not have an idea that there is such thing as spmming in the platform. The moment that I got spmmed, I really look for ways to read on the detailed rules of the platform and then I found out that I was actually spmmed due to my replies and I happened to interact with the spmmers without knowing it that they were auto flagged. So with my own experiment, I deleted all my posts and deleted all my replies to all the users I had interacted with because I am actually rooting that I was spmmed due to those. I never stopped posting and proved to the platform that I am not worthy to be spmmed and not to mention that I was generous of giving rewards too using my wallet. But then, I never gave up. I continued posting in the platform without interaction to others for I do not want them to be spmmed too. So I just post and post everyday until such time I gain back my account after a week. And when had a new update, even I was just 1 month old in the platform, I was luckily chosen to be sponsored with FTs until now that I am already 3 months old, still I have the FTs.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am one of the oldest users. I don't interact with people a lot. To be honest I got spammed due to my inactivity. Before I stopped receiving fts. I got noti about my tips are full. After that it happened

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Awww probably that could be the reason. Your inactivity in the platform for you were given sponsorship and you were not able to use the fts. Got it my dear friend but just do not lose hope because being one of the oldest users is truly just wow.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It could be because of jealous users, too. Happened to me here on

$ 0.01
2 years ago

not sure... I was sick for somw days and couldn't remain active for a while...And then Kabum... no free tips🤣🤣🤣

$ 0.00
2 years ago