Some Self Defence Techniques That Every Woman Should Know

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Written by
3 years ago

Self defence has become a vital part for every person nowadays specially to woman. I am not gonna say it's not important to man also. Anyone can face robbery or harassment any time. Actually if you learn how to defend yourself, it will come handy someday.

I shared an article on rape couple of days ago and told how much rape and harassment is becoming acute in this world. Not by the strangers only, sometimes a woman faces harassment by her relative and even husband too. The world is not safe for people specially for the woman. Everywhere they go, school, job, shopping, visit to a relative and even at home while arguing with husband, they can face both physical and mental harassment. That's why I said in a recent post that self defence nowadays is a very vital part both to save you from harassment and injury. But before that you need to have one thing. Courage, self-confidence and you have to prepare yourself in such way that you will be able to get over the shock and will take action quickly.

Courage and self-confidence

Courage and self confidence don't grow in one day. It's actually really tough to grow that into one person. But if you try to build that into you from an early age, that's pretty much helpful. To be honest, I don't know how to build that. But I think, proper concentration, yoga and practices of actions like judo, karate helps to build you one.

Yesterday, I watched a little story clip. The story was, a girl refused a proposal from a boy. So he threw acid on a girl infront of the main character which is a teenage girl. The girl saw the culprits and when the police came, she recognised them and pointed at them. But the next day, the girl was teased by the rest of the gang member and was hurt. Then she became very very afraid and silent at home. Her father decided to sent her to a karate school beside her studies. Then she practiced, performed yoga. Her dad always gave her courage and confident. She learnt to defend herself and got some courage. After that, one day she was going to school with her father where she saw the same boys teasing some more girls. She gave her bag to her father and slapped one boy. The rest came to attack and she beat them. One boy tried to throw acid on her face but ahe successfully defended herself. That gave the other girls courage to learn martial arts to defend themselves.

So, yoga and martial arts actually helps. Not only that, you have to know how can you defend yourself and you have to practice those with others to make you more confide t that you can defend yourself in those situation. Support of friends and family members also play a vital role. Even if you know all the steps how to defend, you won't be able to apply if you are shocked and face trauma and can't move your body. That's why the courage,confidance and the reflexes to get over the shock and trauma as soon as possible is the preface of the process of self defence.

Some Techniques By Which You Can Defend Yourself In Critical Condition

Attack to weak parts

To know self-defensing, at first you need to konw the the vital and weak part of the body. That will give you knowledge on how you can hurt the attacker easily and get some time to run away while he recovers. Generally eyes, throat, nose, chest, knee and the big fish,scrotum, is the most vulnerable part of the male.

If you attack any of these parts, it will be very much effective. Because it takes time to recover when you are hurt to any of these parts and can get your time to run.

Set yourself free from his hand

It's actually a bit hard to handy. In most case, when you are trying to run, the attacker holds your one hand so that you can't scape. So then you can press the point shown on the picture.

This point makes the other veins weak as I assume and make it easy for you to set your hand free and run again. It hurts a lot when you actually press the point to pressure. So the attacker will be forced to release your hands.

Right way to gain more strength on you fist

Sometimes you need to punch. So it's effective to know how can you gain more strength on your fist. You can try the both positions and see the difference. The 2nd position is actually more effective and you can gain more strength.

Personal suggestion: If you put the thumb inside the other fingers, you can gain more strength on the fist as I think.

Stab the eyes

All knows our eyes are a sensible part and we can not but react when our eyes are hurt and it takes time to recover. So you can stab the eyes and also add a little bonus and can kick on the nuts. That will do thinks for him and you can scape the critical situation easily

Stab eyes and teeth and put pressure on nose

Many woman just to try to slap. It takes more that to take down a man. Anyways, I think it's foolishness to slap. But if you can opportunity, just stab the eyes and press against the nose. That can give him much pain and lose concentration. Then you can perform a low kick and run away from the situation.

Perform jugular notch

Jugular notch is a really painful attack. Just try to press the point and you can feel how deadly it is. It's a very useful techniques as most of the time, the attacker is aware of his eyes,nose and hair but you can catch you by surprise if you attack him here. It can immobilize him for some seconds.

Hitting at chin and low kick

This is one of the most common techniques that is taught on the self defence class. This is effective as this can do some serious damage on the neck and the rest will do the rest of the magic.🤣🤣

Elbow push

Our elbow is much more hard than it looks as there is not too many muscle and when you hit somewin with the elbow, you almost hit someone with the bone. This technique is effective to set you free when you are caught from behind actually. A hit on cheek or eye will make is more dangerous that it looks actually.

Making him fall and lock on

Actually it is really to hard to pull of and you need some power to perform that. But if you can make him fall and perform some kind of lock to immobilize him, that will do very much damage and if you can do the lock on even for one minute, I don't think he will be able to walk or run properly and then you can escape the situation and call for help very easily. Even you can't perform any kind of deadly lock, if you can just make him fall and kick the knee, it will give yo some times to scape too.

Grab the nut and press it hard

Not gonna say any ward on it. Just I want you guys to know that, it hurts more than you think😓😓😓. But those freak people deserve this actually😑😑😑.

Kick the nut shell

It hurts too a lot, can't make you understand😫😫. So not going to add description. Just break the eggs. This is handy then you are against a wall actually. Remember the point.

So, that's it for today. The techniques are only useful if you can hold your nerve, get over the trauma and shock and perform them accurately. It looks much easier but actually not easy on the field. So, I just suggest that you practice it more and more with your friends and help each other. In read cash there are more women than man actually. So thought some may find this post helpful😓😓.

Additional Points

Nowadays pepper spray is very useful and available everywhere. When someone will attack you, just spray it to his eyes and he is blid of some minutes. Also if there is no pepper spray in your area, you can have normal pepper powder and use it in write occation. Also now there are electronic device that produces small shock like Introduction Coil Terminal and can immoblize for some times. Girls also should keep an sharp blade with them for self protection. These preparations will help a lot.

Well, thanks for your attention. I hope you will never face any situation like it but if you face, I pray that you remember the post😅😅 and get yourself out of there. Best of luck.😉

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Written by
3 years ago


Groin part is the best part to attack for this is one of the sensitive part of a man,haha. Thanks for this article. I learned techniques for self-defense. haha

$ 0.00
3 years ago

actually the attacker are much sharap now. They wear sun glass and also guard to save groin. So better to learn the other techniques too.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

thanks for that @Jihan. I think I really need to learn other techniques.hehehe

$ 0.00
3 years ago

As there's nothing to if you learn them, it's may be good if you keep those in mind. Who knows, may be they will come to handy😉😉

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You love targeting the Groin 😂, but well that's what I'm gonna do first if I ever encounter some motherfather guy, I love kicking so I might use it to his you know 😂. Or tools, tools is good too like if you have metal knuckle duster, or a pepper spray if you're not thay strong, especially for girls.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

As long as it's me, do whatever you want with other guys things😑😑😑 pepper spray is good one but now if the attacter wears googles, then you have to conterattack with the other techniques

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Well you have a point especially if they want to hide their face, then I just kick his face

$ 0.00
3 years ago

yea yea i get it, you are wife of superman. Noone will dare to go near you

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hahahahaha, 😂

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hey tjank you for this article. I can show it to my sister so she can learn some defensive techniques. Nowadays there are growing numbers of rape victim in our area. So this should be helpful.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Of course, that's why I posted this articles. There are many woman who has children and many people who has girlfriends and sisters. So they can learn and show it to their family member and can maintain safety. Rape has increased in recent years and we can not but maintain the safety of ourselves

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nc post. Its very good post and its help the many Prblem create aginest for men. Its very help for women. Because some ugly people torchar women. To his fulfil sex.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yeah. I posted it to help the woman in the society and they can also show it to teir family member anf friends. This learning can help them in critical condition I hope

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Its really a helpful article and one do needs great courage to perform it. shock envelopes a person when attacked and we know that most comes unexpectedly thus, the nerve to overcome it requires courage. girls need to keep a pocket chili powder spray on their bags or pockets also

$ 0.00
3 years ago

yeah, I had that in my mind all the tine but totally forgot to add it. pepper spray or actual pepper powder to hurt the eyes. Also there are sone device that produces little electric shocks. Girls should keep a sharap thing to protest themselves too.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This is good write up and the best thing is for the lady to practice in really that woul help

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I hope so, the world is gettig darker and darker and you can't predict what's tge next situation you are getting into. Specially when you are a girl, there are lot of awkward situation that you may get into. So it's important to be prepared always😓😓

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It will be helpful for every girls and as well as women .. 🙂 Also I suggest to keep pepper spray, anti-cutter for protection.. those who wears hijab, they also can use their hijab pin in these unexpected situations ☺️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Iss re...paper spray r kotha vule gesilm😑😑

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Pepper spray and anti cutter too🤦🏻‍♀️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

jni re babs.....upore ekjon k bolchi....add kore dicchi..chill

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Chill achi ami.. 🙄

$ 0.00
3 years ago