Sleep paralysis:Satan or science??Find out

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Written by
4 years ago

Suppose you are in deep sleep at night. Suddenly you wake up and finds it hard to breath. There is a huge pessure on your chest and it feels like someone is sitting on your chest. You can't move your hands and legs and feels like this is the end. Ever happened???

Don't panic. Most of us thinks its the work of satan of any ghost. Like paranormal activity. But if you think this, you are wrong my friend. You just experienced sleep paralysis. So what is sleep paralysis? what does the science behind sleep paralysis??? find out below.

When we sleep, our conscious mind is taken over by our unconscious mind. Our muscles become inactive. So if you see yourself running or jumping or falling,your body won't react that way and you can be safe. we mostly see pictures in our unconscious mind during sleep and its known as dream. Sometimes in your unconscious mind phase,you just wake up and can't move your body as your brain thinks you are still asleep.A strange presure works on your chest, your pulse rate decreases. A hellucination works and you become afraid. it feels like someone is pushing you very hard. This condition is known as sleep paralysis.

What should we do if we face sleep paralysis:

1.Concentrate on your tongue and fingers of legs and hand. Try to move them. It will accelarate remaining your consciousness.

2.Try to move your eyeballs, it will help you getting over the paralysis soon.

3.Try to breath faster and harder.

How to prevent sleep paralysis

1.Don't keep late hours and sleep regularly. A extremely tired body faces this more often.

2.Don't sleep too long. try to have adequate sleep in a regular interval.

3.Try to avoid upside down position. it has a hig risk.

4.Try to take adequete amount of food and healthy food. Try to avoid junk food before sleeping.

5.Exercise regularly. But not extreme.

6.Relax your mind. Talk to family, friends, listen songs. Try to maintain a normal social life.

7.Don't take sleeping pills too often.

8.If you face this in a regular interval. Go to doctors and have some treatment. Never think this as an paranormal activity.

Hope you find it useful.

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Written by
4 years ago


Wow you nicely described sleep paralysis. I appretiate you also.Thank you for sharing your informative post with us. Keep it up

$ 0.00
4 years ago

welcome mate. I'll try to post better and knowledgable things so that everyone can be benefitted.... lets help each other to grow❤️❤️

$ 0.00
4 years ago

You article gives us knowledge about science. Very good writing quality. Keep going on and write articles like this and help people. 💕

$ 0.00
4 years ago

sometimes post something scientific and useful to people.... it will help to get views and develop your writing skill

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Sleep paralysis is such a painful thing.Ughhh.You can write elaborately about sleep apnea too bro.Keep going!Well written👍

$ 0.00
4 years ago

1st of all... 12 tai comment koro🤣🤣🤣2ndly....likhbo samne arekdin.....

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Fortunately, I haven't had sleep paralysis yet. I haven't heard about it yet either. I'll follow your helpful hints.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

some face sleep abnormalites... like my father sometimes shout during the sleep or talks unconsciously..... we have to wake him up then..... he is faceing this problem almost 4-5 years and before that he never faced it... bt noe face in a regular interval........ so judging by that i think anybody can experience any sleep abnormalities and so i posted it so that if anybody ever face it..... he can counter the situation... but unfortunately i posted this article on 2nd day after joining and it is underrated...... less views.... i will boost this post in future so that people see this post.... i feel people need to know about this....many people think it's paranormal activity and gets afraid.... i feel this misconcept needs to be removed..... i will try so that this post gets at least some view... if people read this..i think this will be a big help to them

$ 0.00
4 years ago

and thanks for this big upvote..... i will use it to boost the post for some hours.... fully appreciated❤️❤️❤️

$ 0.01
4 years ago