Put Yourself In Other's Shoe Before Becoming Arrogant

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Written by
3 years ago

Every day, I prepare to write something about myself, like other people write. I have nothing to write about crypto because we have many complications and we cannot make easily profits too. Anyway, though I planned to write something else, I actually saw a video on Facebook today that inspired me to write this article. So, yeah, another article to spread positivity and good lesson.

I have countered a similar kind of video somedays ago. I don’t remember the full details but I can at least write it and maybe there will be some modifications but still I think it’ll be interesting to you guys.

The story begins with a spoiled son bumping onto a waiter at a restaurant where his dad was waiting for him. The spoiled son was kinda hurrying and was looking into the mobile. So, it was actually the fault of the son to bump into the waiter and the plates and glass fell down and was broken. Some water spilled on the shoe of the son. He got ferocious and misbehaved with the waiter then. The dad saw all of it. He sat down in front of his dad and expressed his desire to get a car as his birthday present as he recently got his driver license. The dad was listening to him. Meanwhile, the same waiter came and asked for their order. Seeing him, the son got furious and told him to get another waiter as he didn’t want to see his face. But the waiter didn’t get what the spoiled one was saying. He asked him if he could repeat. Then the son got more furious and shouted at him. The waiter then left the sight. Then the dad opened his mouth. He told him from the first place it was his sons fault to bump into him as he was looking into the phone. And it’s not good to be ideal and arrogant to them who works to get their own money. He also said to his son that he never felt hardship because of his dad’s condition and that made him arrogant. He didn’t know what’s the value of earning money his own. The dad gave a condition that, if the son could work in that café for one month without getting fired, he would buy him the car he wanted. The son couldn’t think any other way but to agree on this condition.

As soon as he started working, he got that it was not an easy job. He was finding it a hard to write all the orders. Also some arrogant people were misbehaving. He also didn’t know how to serve, wasn’t familiar with the system. Couldn’t run the machines well. The boy with whom he misbehaved previously came forward to help him unselfishly. He started teaching him the techniques and also saved him some time for arrogant peoples. They were slowly getting along.

One time, the waiter was standing on the stairs and he was looking hopeless. The son saw him and asked him what happened. He then told his problem that he has a bad hearing and some serious problem with his ear. That’s why sometimes he couldn’t hear what people are saying. Same thing happened when he was taking order from them when they first met. The son thought the waiter was mocking him but the truth was he actually couldn’t hear him then.

The son understood his problem and he took the order book and again took the order and gave the waiter the orders. He also said to the waiter not to worry much as he wouldn’t say the owner about the problem.

The hardship the son was facing was changing him. He got the value of earning his own money. Once his friend came and he went to take the order. Both were spoiled and seeing his friend working, the other one got astonished and laughed at him. Then the changed person told him about his experience and he got the value of earning of his own instead of living as a parasite. He totally gave a lecture to his friend and left after talking the order.

The month passed very soon. On the last day, the son and the waiter was leaving the café. Then the son came to know that the waiter was doing another job as he didn’t have much time eft. If he couldn’t gather the money for the operation, he would be deaf. He bade the son good bye and left in a hurry. The son returned his home.

Returning home, he told his dad about the experience and showed him his pay for one month of service. The father congratulated him and told him that he would buy the car he wanted as his present. But instead of taking the money, the son requested his father to give the money to the waiter as he was in need of it more. He wanted to help him. Hearing this, his father smiled and said he was very proud of him.

So, this is the story the video showed as far as I remember. So, what’s the main lesson of it. The main lesson I got from the story was “You would never feel others condition until you are on their shoes.” Yes, this story provided this precious lesson.

Like I said, I never felt what’s hardship is. I never had to struggle for thing I need as I had my parents support back. But it’s also true that, I never received anything luxurious but still the always taught me not to be arrogant. I have no idea about my siblings but I sensed a lot of arrogance from them but I don’t have arrogance for my social status or I would say I still don’t have one yet. It’s one of my achievement I my life. Rather it’s my dream to become a rickshaw puller, hawker, fisherman, farmer and other hard profession even for a day so that I can feel their hardship.

Ow we are fasting. It has a lot of purpose and one is to feel how the poor people feel who hardly get one meal per day. Not only this, how a people feel living in a place where he as water scarcity as well. It teaches us to respect food, earn the value of it. Not to waste even a little amount of food and also a single drop of water. Not to make fun of those who live in hardship and having their lifestyle for a month. Though I feel it is still incomplete as we eat heathy food in ifter and also get to enjoy air conditioner and ceiling fan which some people can’t even afford. Still, it’s necessary for us and so that respect and sympathy grows in for them.

Finally, I want to say is, no work is small and we don’t have right to misbehave with the working class people no matter how powerful we are. They serve us and in return they earn money legally. Simple as that. So, before we hurt them, at least we should put ourselves in their shoes and think where would I be if I had to live in his condition. And up next I would write not to be judgmental about anything without knowing their back story. For now, I think this is enough to reach people here and my friends, brothers and sisters.

And there is both Youtube video and total story as a script in a page called Amo Mama( I just found out). Please check them for more details. They had written perfectly. I just found out😑.

Thanks for reading. Hope you like the article.

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Written by
3 years ago


This is a good lesson for spoiled kids.. And even those who doesn't give much value on precious things like food, water and money.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I think every educational institute should arrange some programes so that kids acan feel how how people of different profession feel. This kind of programmes occur in Japan as I heard. I like that country a lot for this kind of activities. A pure role model

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Just Like madam Jane I also got emotional 😣. I tear up a little and I just get it all. Some can really be arrogant just because they were born with silver spoon on their mouth. It is sad but, some even if they experience the hardship in life when you have nothing they just can't change just like in this story. It's good if they change but, some jusy really can't. They will remain like that until the end like they are the king.

$ 0.02
3 years ago

I have nothing to say. At least in islam it is different. Like I said, we need to fast for a month to feel them. We also need to give a percentage of our money each year(Jakat) to the poor people. These are obligatory. At least we help them. But still, still it's acute in new generation. Why? cause new generation is richer,more facilities Rich are geting richer, poor are poor. A huge gap is visible now but it wasn't in past. And also they are getting away for religion. Mom and dad both works, so none to take care and teach them. Tell stories about the struggle that our ancestors did. Previously grandpa and grandma's used to stay. Now people are moving towards town and living separate life. Not like before. Educational institutions are more professional. No moral values, only grades. What do you expect?😊😊

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Why I get emotional while reading this? People don't really see the hardships of others unless they get inton their shoes..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wealth, fame, status makes people arrogant. That's the main problem. Even poor people become arrogant wgen they become rich. That's r the problem of the society

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Tr7e.. Many poor people that become rich become arrogant. It is as if they don't how to look back from the place where they have started.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wealth itself is sick. Simple and normal life is way better😇😇

$ 0.00
3 years ago

A minimalist 😁 your family is wealthy though 😅

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Actually it's complicated. I am not gonna say we don't have money, but it's still true that we live a normal life. Not a luxurious one. Like I said, my father invested in lot of things but nothing is complete. So we still don't receive money all of them. Rather he loaned money for those but they are stuck. He is not willing to sell his properties but he would maintain routine, cut things from our list and someone pass the month. We pass every month like it. He invested lot of money for the study of my brother and sister. how should I put. Their admission fee was like 12-14 lakh bangladeshi money, but mine took 16000 bangladeshi money. Not only that, their fees are 40x grater than mine per year. But they don't send a single penny to him😅😅. They are rather busy with their own establishments. And dad is already in retirement, no wage. he got some pension and with the loan he built the house. So now we get money from rent and business but half of those goes to bank to pay the loan. And we maintain a hard routine to pass months. That's how it is. But with his properties, he could pay loans, and make a big appartment. He doesn't wanna sell them. Well, I said I don't want them, he can tae those after in his grave after he dies. WI am trying to be educated to to earn my own money If I intended to live on his properties, i would sit and enjoy. So those properties of his took away all happiness and put us in hardship, so I don't want them and he can do whatever he likes. I hope you got what sort of problem I face. And I grew up like this. When I was young, dad you tell me he doesn't have money as he paid the fess of my brother and aister. And now the loan. So, my dad is rich. He hodled, my family is rich. But I am still a low class man who always faced hardship and still facing😅😅Only he and God knows what the fuck will he do with those land of his. I just hope they get destroyed somehow

$ 0.10
3 years ago

And this is good as one article already .. A precise story of your life... I can also feel your kindness and determination to succeed.. I know, when you graduate in college.. You'll have a better job and live a life you wanted.. God bless you 😁

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I also hope so. I just want to be independent and want to enjoy. Just a bit hodling and rest are for presnt only😅😅 I am also thinking about selling $ to buy an air conditioner. It's very hot but my parents won't buy me one. So, read cash is coming handy after all😅😅

$ 0.00
3 years ago