Death Will Take You To The Rigtht Place On Right Time

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Written by
3 years ago

If you had checked my last post carefully, I have told there even if I did a good thing, I was not happy as I was, in fact I still am in shock. Many if you know I feed some stray dogs in my area. And one of the dogs was killed in an accident right before my eyes. I didn't know if I ever had this kind of shock in my entire life. I don't know if heart ever stopped for a moment ever before. I also don't know when will I be able to get over the shock. They are not my pet, I feel like that way. But to them, I am kinda their owner.

A few month ago, one of the dogs was hurt. I tried my best, gave it pain killer injection, saline. It had 106F fever. The expert told us it's not gonna survive as it has some serious damage inside. It died. I said to myself that I tried. I had an excuse to calm myself. But this time, I have nothing but guilty though I shouldn't have. I am telling myself always that it was not my fault. But every time a question appears to me "Couldn't you go and dragged him to the corner??" Actually I know it was possible but there was almost 80% chance that I could have died if I tried. Still my brain always tells "You Had 20% Chance."

Today I am writing as it's raining and we had to cancel our morning workout for today. The catastrophic event also occured while I went to morning walk. Generally when I get out from my home, somehow they sense my presence and come to my gate. And then follow me to and come along me to the roads. That day, three dogs followed me. Generally they don't go to the main road and return to the area. But that day, those three went to street. Actually it was not following me. There is a group of stray dogs up ahead and two went there. But most younger followed them. I was walking with my friend. The younger one was very playful and it came to the middle of the road. Then a bus suddenly came with 140+ speed. I called him to come to me. It didn't listen. It somehow became very afraid and didn't move at all. The bus stabbed him just before my every. I don't know what do. Eyes were out. I just saw it wagged it's tail for a few time in pain and that's it.

My friend knew those dog live under my house and I feed them, he told me not to look and actually dragged me out of the sight. Just look at the odds of the event

  • It never went to the roads before, just followed it's dad and sister this time.

  • The road is for small cars, bike, auto-bike. But the bus came out of nowhere. Then I came to know this bus company use the route illegally in the morning before it become busy.

  • To road is not a 140kmph at all. The driver broke the rule. Even 60KMPH is too much for the road.

  • It always listens to my call but this time, it didn't listen to me at all.

This is how death worked. More precisely, this is how death works. It took him To The Right Place At The Time.

@Hanzell told me one thing. More like >> If a dog feels you are it's owner, it takes the upcoming danger that the person is supposed to face onto it's own shoulder.<< I asked my mom and she also said that. I actually don't know. Place of death and time is always decided the moment we were created and sent into the world. So I am in dilemma. But it can also happen God thought of giving me a life lesson and a little bit time by sacrificing the angel.

Our destiny is written long ago. It doesn't mean it's automatic. Remember that You creators knows better yourself more than anyone else. He knew I am not that strong to go for the risk and won't be able to save the dog. That's why the dog's death was written at that time and place. What I meant to say, some people think I don't have to do anything as everything is predestined and if I have time, I will live. That's not it actually. Our God knows about ourself best and he knows what kind of step will we take and that's how he wrote our destiny. So always try your best to survive and take the best possible solution for your problem every time.

I also want to say that many of us faced this kind of situation. It seems our fault. It seems for our mistake, the person died and we feel guilty. I am feeling a lot of guilt. But it's not our faults. Sometimes a little incident shows how weak we humans are. How powerless we are actually. I heard about it a lot in full metal alchemist but this time, I faced it for real. It hurts but every mistakes is a life lesson for us. So it's better if we just learn from it and take care of others in future so that this kind of event never happen again. We are powerless indeed but learning from the mistakes certainly gives us a bit more power for the rest of our lives.

Finally I want to say that life is uncertain. Do you have any idea when and how will you die?? It can be any moment from now. So do something good for yourself, for your family and society so that when you are taking your last breath, you don't have a regret that you are not taking anything. Pray to God and do some good job. You will find peace in it.

After a long time I wrote a good article. Thanks to the rain for which it schedule is got disrupted. I know I am not active. Very busy days and tired at night. But happy to finally back to study. I hope everybody is good and having a healthy life.

Anyway, thanks for your attention.😊😊

$ 4.65
$ 4.45 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @Hanzell
$ 0.10 from @Jane
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Written by
3 years ago


Very clear and nice article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks a lot. hope it helps you😊😊

$ 0.00
3 years ago

that bus' company should be reported when it's not supposedly to be passing on that route and running on an illegal speed limit. what if it's not a dog that it hit? as it just appears nowhere and residents of that area is not aware of its passing? hope you're doing fine and trying to get over the shock

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Reporting? It occured in front of police quater where police lives and do their training. These things are much more deep and complicayed. Last year a boy of 9 died at the same spot. I came to know alot of dogs and goat have died on that spot. Bus is totally illegal on that road but yet. If I report, I will have to suffer. it's deep and dark. It's not easy to get over the shock. everytime I pass that place, the scene just come in front of my eyes. When I get outide, no one is there waiting for me wagging it's tail. It's not easy you know

$ 0.00
3 years ago

it makes its not actually illegal, coz they still violate it even if rules are implemented. just sad. the feeling of anticipating for something to happen just it used to be is really hard to get over with (its about the dog's presence)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

So you're still in shock with what happened. I was meaning to check up on you the moment i finished my agendas for the day. Did you ever report the bus though? That could have been good justice for him. Though not enough to take him back but enough to at least teach the driver a lesson

$ 0.00
3 years ago

No justices here. people don't get any justices here, let alone bus. It's much more complicated and corrupted. I just want to tell one thing, the dog died in front of the gate of police line( quater for police and their train).. i think you can guess the rest

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You are unfortunate to have a place like that. Maybe it's ok if you beat a dog infront of them.haizt.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

They don't care at all

$ 0.00
3 years ago

😡😡😡😡😡 and yet the bus wasn't caught. Dang horrible cops not caring about animals and public safety and actual traffic laws. You need to get out of there when you can ;;-;;

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I told you a bunch of things about here. And you also saw how people of this country are. That's why I am desperate

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I saw some people but i don't like to generalize. But if most people are like that then i seriously hope your family will support you fully in leaving

$ 0.00
3 years ago

My family wants me to leave, they always support my decision😅

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I'm speechless. I just felt a different feeling that made me shiver as I imagine the situation. If I was in your situation, I may have cried😭. Yeah, sometimes it's our pets who takes the upcoming danger that supposedly falls upon us.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I never want to feel the way I felt back then. I told myself I will never cry for someone's death even it is my family prepared. I don't want the soul to feel bad. But it feels very bad even I didn't cry. My mom also felt very sad when she listened. Sometimes she also gave him food. May his soul rest in peace

$ 0.00
3 years ago