A little trick for housewives
It is very simple and it succeeds every time
1. I poured some warm water.
2. I mixed water with vinegar and baking soda.
3. I added 2 cups of Coca-Cola, a tablespoon of dish detergent and half a lemon. Stir for 3 minutes.
4. I immersed the pan in water with detergent for 45 minutes.
5. Rubbed with a sponge.
6. I finally rinsed and it looked like nothing had changed. So I went out and bought a new one.
Thanks for reading 🤣🤣🍷
Have a nice day 🤟🔝🙃🍀 @Jigglyspy
haha It is still the best detergent powder and wire sponge. If you can put the dish in the oven ... then foam is also good for cleaning the oven. Or wrap in aluminum foil along with the tablet you use for the dishwasher.