The Power Of Patience.

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2 years ago

Life sometimes is a bit tricky and different things occurs around us unexpectedly. Sometimes things are not going well according to our plan and it's making us down, losing some of our confindence whether we will continue pursuing it or not. In my existence upto now I learned a lot of things in order to survive and in order to not lose the passion in those things we love the most. One of those lessons is the art of being patient at all times especially when we want something to happen.

Patience, one word and composed of eight letters only. It may look like a simple word but when it is applied in different ways, it can make you the most successful person living in this planet. That statement of mine may sound like a joke to many but real talk, those successful persons right now that we admire as an inspiration went through and executed the art of patience in their daily lives.

In my experiences I can say that there's a lot of things and events that required patience. In this article let's talk about it. I know that some of you can relate in my experiences and I'm looking forward to your comments below.

First, patience towards other people.

As this pandemic ruined most of the normal things we do in our daily lives and one of those is going to school. Studying has been totally changed in this time and it's creating a lot of headaches to most of the students because of different factors that affects their studies at home.

My cousin is one of those students who are affected and it really creates a heavy toll to her parents. She's a grade 2 student and currently studying through the use of modules. A grade 2 stufent can't study on their own so she needs guidance. Her mother has a baby which is 3 years old so she can't teach her. As a result since I have free time, I'm the who who teach my cousin and discuss what's is her modules.

Since grade 1 last year I'm her teacher at home and I observed that she's not a fast learner but not that totally slow. While teaching her I developed my patience towards her upto this day. I know that some of you my fellow authors here, you're a parent and tasked to teach your child. Regarding their modules sometimes it's hard to explain it especially in mother tongue and sometimes there's a task in their modules asking the student to determine the color of those things but their modules is in black and white so how's that. lol. Sometimes my cousin is not answering what I'm asking to her because there's a lot of distractions here so she lost her focus.

By my patience in teaching her I see a lot of improvements in her reading comprehension and all. That's how powerful patience is, it can change someones child future in her/his studies especially in the middle of this pandemic. So please if you have children, cousins, nephews or neighbors who ask help in their modules be patient to teach them because it's really hard for them to cope up in this current situations.

Second, patience towards the hardships of life.

Our life as a human beings are full of obstacles and sometimes it surprise us to the point that we fall into depression. Just last year 2020, a big stone struck my life that paralyze my feet from moving forward towards my goals in life. It brought a heavy toll on me and that cause me to fell into the abyss of depression. In order to lift up the big rock that's been paralyzing my feet, I needed a lot of people's patience especially my family.

It all thanks to them that I'm able to move forward again to pursue my dreams again. My goals didn't change after that, it's thesame goal which is I'll become successful no matter what because of my family. After that incident I came back to zero again, from the start forming and building my foundation again. I'm not afraid to start all over again because my goal is very clear and with just a lot of perseverance, patience and prayers, I know I can reach my destination in no time.

I may face a lot and bigger than those rocks in my past but I'm really sure that I can surpass and overcome them all woth the help of patience. There's no need to rush things, everything will fall in line when the right time comes. I believe in that.

In life being impatient will only lead to disaster. We may missed something that is very important and an ingredient in our success. Patience is connected to all things just like here in readcash. If you don't have any patience in writing, interacting and all , you can't succeed here.

And that is my article for today I hope you are still reading upto this part. Thank you for reading this far. See you in my next articles.

Lead image: I made it in Canva same with the image above.

Plagiarism test:

Also I want to thanks my generous sponsors and my generous readers who always support and comments in my articles. More power to all of us and God bless us all. Arigatou💚

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Avatar for Jher0122
2 years ago


Patience truly is a big thing. You need to have Patience to accomplish anything successfully. Teaching a 2nd grade student needs lot of patience. Good luck.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

It's a recipe in our journey as we cook our future.. Yeah ..I have a lot of patience in teaching my cousin ..It's needed because teaching her is the only thing I can do for her.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

If you want to achieve great things in life, you have to be patient. It is easier said than done tho. Nothing comes easy and instant in life. We have to learn the art and beauty of waitinga nd right timing.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I like that one " Art ad beauty of waiting and right timing" . You got the exact point and I can say that we should all exercise that kind of thing in our life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's really hard to be patient especiall in teaching kids 😂 I am not teaching my little bro since I know I don't have the patient to deal with him that's why mom do it, of course. Even my mom lose patience in teaching my younger bro. Good for you bro because you developed more patience as you teach your cousin

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes buddy haha.but before I lost my temper and I get angry to my cousin..especially when she's not answering back..but as time passed by was developed

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Patience is what we really need. Life is hard that's is real people who don't hold lot of patience they surely loss the game of life. I had patience but not always thou hehe. I'm bad at temper control 🤣

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yeah..we need it really bad especially in dire situations.. Same here haha .I'm not good at controling my temper..I'm a short tempered before.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sa totoo lang, pag wala ka talaga nyan naku baka maubusan k ng buhok ka kakaisip. Ma eaapplu din to sa crypto world not just in life. Lalo na pag trader, I mean spot trader ganon. Pag wala kang patience, talo ka talaga.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Ay totoo po iyan ..mamumutu lang ang buhok mo kung palagi kang nagmamadali kakamadali mo nabagtawan mo na yung mga importanteng bahagi..It's a must po talaga pag sa trading hehe di pwede ang madulas na kamay

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Patience is the mother of virtues. Practice it and you will have a long road ahead.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I believe in that also ..that's why I'm practicing it at all times..because I know that it can help me to achieve my goals in life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Patience is a virtue and time is a great healer, I love these two. Yes patience is important 🙂

$ 0.02
2 years ago

It's part of our life to begin with and we must practice it at all cost or it will be a disaster..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Patience can make one improve and see the importance of not giving up. A patient dog eats the fattest bone just like they say.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That is truly the essence of patience.. Everyone should have this one especially when aiming to achieve success.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I admit I am not a very patient person, but I can be one if I have to. Maybe I need more practice.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Ah..Maybe you just need to be more patient in things that goes in your way . hehe..It can be your great asset if you practice it more often.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Truth bro..Thanks for the advice.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are right Jher. Patience could really go a long way. It could be the best weapon a man could ever have.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yeah . It may be a invisible one but it's more powerful than any weapons out there that's why we have to have it with us all the time.

$ 0.00
2 years ago