Simple celebration is all that we need.

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2 years ago

First and foremost I would like to greet everyone a Merry Christmas and ofcourse advance Happy New year. The sun rises at the east again and thanks God that you and me are still alive. That one is the greatest Christmas gift of all right.

Who agrees with me kindly raise their feet charr, just kidding but who cannot agree to what I said. The one I mentioned was true right especially for those people who are just living a simple life out there. Those luxurious things means nothing to them but what matters to them most is that they are alive, breathing and have a healthy body. A definite example for that one is our family and all the family that I know here in our barangay. I forgot to add the presence of love in the family. Why I include love? That's because nowadays this one is missing in every family. The love within the family is fading away because of some misunderstanding and serious problems.

No matter how rich your family is if the spirit of love is missing, I can assure that your life is not complete at all. I encounter individuals who says they don't need love in their life but I can see in their eyes that they are longing for it and they want to be loved. Especially those children out there who's taking the wrong path. You know they just need to be love, they just need to feel that they belong to a place they can called home and where they can go in times when they are down.

"Those children out there need to be loved." Why I would say that? Because when they feel that they are loved, those children will feel secure , secure enough to get out of their comfort zones and pursue what they want while taking the right path. Celebration of christmas if for those kids who are longing for love and I really salute those individuals who can set aside their personal celebration just to give love to street children by oraganizing christmas parties. I'm a tough guy but when it comes to children that toughness fades away and become smooth.

Speaking of celebrations, as what we used to do since when I'm still a kid, we just had a simple one. What matters the most to us is that we are all together or if we are not all together, our health is in a good shape. Why I'm always saying health is the most important of all? Well I'm always saying that because if our health is in a good state then still we can enjoy the moments being together and not just in times of christmas but also in other ocassions.

Having a lot of foods in a celebrations is just a bonus to all of us which we can enjoy. I know most of you celebrated this occasion now in a simple way because of what we are in right now. And speaking of foods, I just cooked a kilo of spaghetti out of the one kilo we bought yesterday. We slaughtered one of our ducks and I cooked it in adobo filipino style partnered with sweet potatoes. I forgot to buy potatoes at the market so I just dig some sweet potatoes in our garden.

I bought 2 packs of loaf bread and a peanut butter good for those bread. We just had coffee instead of softdrinks. I'm avoiding to drink any sodas and controlled my coffee intake because I don't want my kidney to suffer just like before. After we ate, I grabbed my improvised cannon or boga in tagalog or bung-bong in Ilokano. It is made of used cans, compliled them together and you fueled it with denatured alcohol in order for it to fire like a cannon. My grandparents was asleep despite the noise haha. After I fired my boga several times, I got sleepy and went to bed also and the end.

Closing thought

That's how we celebrate our christmas, we just ate all together, reminisced the memories in the past and laughed. Listened to the noise around us then slept. Our neighbors are getting louder now, singing like singers. Don't mind their tones haha, atleast they can sing and can express what's in their heart. How about you friends, how did you celebrate Christmas this year? Thank you for reading this far and see yah in my next articles.

Lead image: I made it in Canva same with the image above.

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2 years ago


Nice read. It's true that instead of spending a lot better to give it to the poor. Atleast they will pray for us. Merry Christmas

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Simple celebrations are the best :) Glad that you had fun during the holiday despite your neighbor's vocal cords :D

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Love maybe corny to some but we can't deny the fact that it is the greatest thing of all. Even the scripture can testify to that. It was love that made God sacrifice His beloved son for our sake. We are here because of the thing called love. And no matter what happen, it will never go out of style.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

That's right others may be shy to show their love to others but it is a powerful thing we can use to give comfort to others especially those in those dark side ..Maligayang pasko sa iyo kaibigann

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Maligyang pasko 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My Christmas is not that happy but still blessed despite all.

Merry Christmas buddy. 🙂

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Merry Christmas to you buddy ..whatever you're in right now. You can overcome it.. Life continues to flow.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah thank you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago