Everyday Is Really A Blessing.

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Avatar for Jher0122
1 year ago

There's a lot of things that's been going on in our surroundings lately and one of it was the pandemic that gave us too much trouble. There's still trauma that's been engraved to our soul and to be honest I'm still afraid to go out especially socializing in the crowd. I don't know what might happen so I'm avoiding to be in it as long as possible.

Despite the trauma that's left, I still have to do some errands in order to survive each day and I know all of us sacrifice our safety to survive. I just hope that the covid will be gone completely for us to have a peace of mind.

Everyday is a blessing for my life and I'm sure in your life too. The moment you woke up in the morning, it's already a blessing and it's something that we must be forever grateful since not all has the chance to wake up once again. I'm lucky that this kind of scenario didn't yet happen huhu.

Being alive is a huge blessing and as long as we are breathing we can experience a lot more blessings in our life.

Just like today, the banana fruit that I harvested the other week has already ripen and we're consuming it now. It's really a blessing that I'm able to eat fresh fruit from my hard work of planting before.

That's why it's a blessing also that I'm able to use my hands to plant something like a banana.

My grandma sell 3 set of it the other day and it's one source of money here. Therefore, everyday is considered to be full of blessings. Even if we can't see the other blessings that's going on around us, for sure there are.

How about you friends, did you think that everyday is a blessing also? I'm sure that there's a lot of things that's you're grateful also.

How we see each day differs from our own perpective of life and that's right. There's nothing wrong about it since we have all different situations everyday. Even if that's the case, I don't believe you if you will say that there's nothing good happens in each day because there is. We can't notice every single detail but definitely, there are.

If you grasped the meaning of life already for sure you will understand what I'm saying. If not then what's I'm trying to tell you is that even the smallest good things that we receive each day, it is something to be grateful for.

Big blessings starts from the small ones after all. Always remember that my friends.

Also before I forgot, having pets in our home is a blessing such as dogs and cats. They are there to make us happy and make us realize a lot of things.

If we don't know how to love, they are the one who will teach us that kind of thing. It's amazing how they turn me into a pet lover and I really glad that I have them in my life. They are a life saver also. Negative absorber and a naturally lover.

That's all I want to say and remind everybody.

Thank you for reading friends.

$ 0.22
$ 0.16 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Sydney2
$ 0.01 from @Micontingsabit
Avatar for Jher0122
1 year ago


Being able to breathe every day is a big blessings so we must be grateful for it. And kapag may tinanim may aanihin po talaga no? Ang gandang bagay po kapag may mga lupa po kayong pwedeng pagtaniman ng kung ano ano dahil someday mapagkakakitaan po talaga sila.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Buti pa kayo may taniman ng saging. Everyday is a blessing talaga kahit mahirap ang buhay, it shouldn't be the reason for us to be ungrateful. Ika nga nila "attract positive karma by being grateful for everything."

$ 0.00
1 year ago

We just need to appreciate the life we have. Keep on exploring and you will find out that life is such a great gift to us.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

true yan. minsan naniniwala ako na kapag may sakit ang tao ts namatay ang pet, dinala ng pet ang sakit. angels in disguise din sila.

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1 year ago