Afghanistan is once again under the hands of fundamental Islamists.

The Taliban are marching towards Kabul and in a few hours, their forces will take over command of the country.

The president of Afghanistan has already escaped in Tajikistan and a big part of the 40 million Afghan population is massively exiting the country, migrating towards Europe.

An event that will have various consequences, starting with the millions of political refugees that are expected to walk towards Europe and ask for asylum. A similar event to the Syrian civil-war immigration waves.

The Taliban state will be a brutal and authoritarian regime enforcing a strict approach in governance.

The US-led coalition, which recently withdrawn almost all forces, did not turn Afghanistan into a modern democracy as it was proclaiming.

The US government has spent more than $2 trillion in war efforts and reconstruction of the country. And it was all in vain since nothing changed. They found Osama Bin Laden and executed him, but was all of this required just to take revenge on a single person?

Tens of thousands of Afghans fought against the Taliban and lost their lives for a free country, yet this didn't seem to matter. Once the geopolitical value was decreased Afghans were abandoned to the hands of a weak government and an army incapable of defeating the organized Taliban forces.

Modern History - A Nation Ravaged by Wars Back in 2001, 911 was a tremendous shock that caused an unfortunate string of events.

George Bush Junior, the president that led the "War on Terror" and the hawks of Washington, declared their plans. First, it was Afghanistan and a little later Iraq.

Any online information on Afghanistan was instantly censored. Wikipedia page on Afghanistan was down.

With total respect to Americans, the shock was too much to bear and the news was taking advantage of it, brainwashing the population. Anyone in the same position would demand from the world's top military to act and bring those responsible to justice.

When a superpower at the magnitude of the US gets attacked, retaliation is the only outcome. I do not condone the war in Afghanistan but I see it as a precursor for the second war that followed in Iraq.

In 2001, Afghanistan was the poorest country in the world. And it seems that the Taliban and Al Qaida leader Osama Bin Laden managed to plan and perfectly execute an attack that would change everything from that moment.

The geopolitical importance of Afghanistan is enormous for the region. It was the first defeat of the Red Army (USSR). It was the USA that created and funded the Taliban to block the USSR expansion in Central Asia.

Afghanistan is war-ridden country. It is home to 40 million in population and since there are wars fought constantly, the side that seized the power radicalizes the population.

But Afghanistan was not this secluded and not always run by a repressive regime.

Before the Soviet invasion of 1979 and the guerilla war that followed and lasted for 9 years, the Afghan country was resembling one of the Western societies. It was a booming society and economy and a nation that was defending civil liberties. The Soviets required Afghanistan as part of their geopolitical expansion, invaded the country, and taken control of Kabul in 1980.

Kabul in 1972 and 2021 Image from: Source

A 9-year guerilla war was fought with the US, UK, China, Pakistan, and other regional powers in support of Afghan Mujahidin's. The Afghan population and the different factions within the country united against the Soviets. Eventually, the nine-year war led to the withdrawal of the Soviets from Afghanistan and the Mujahedin declared victory in 1989.

But this wasn’t a victory that united Afghanistan. A struggle for power after the victory began and a civil war erupted in the 90s.

The Mujahedin victory, today, is not widely celebrated as it was a predecessor of the most violent moments Afghanistan is suffering from ever since.

After the Soviet occupation, some factions blamed the US for the poverty and situation of their country. Regional interests and conflicts fueled the civil war that erupted in 1992. The four-year civil war had as an outcome, the Taliban forces rising to power in 1996 and establishing the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.

Image from: wikipedia

The picture above explains the impact of the 90s Afghan civil war. The country was once again devastated after massive bombings with the aid of Pakistan leaders that wanted to seize power for the Taliban regime.

In 1996, the Taliban gained control and ruled the country with authoritarianism under strict Sariah rule and an anti-American stance.

Rally against the Taliban (Peshawar). Source: Wikipedia Commons

For the American geopolitics, all that mattered was to increase its presence in Central Asia. The US spent over two trillion dollars in these twenty years and nothing really changed for the living conditions of 40 million Afghans.

The Taliban turned to diplomacy and the remaining Afghan army had no real fighting capability against the sheer numbers and extreme tactics of the Taliban. The slaughters increased, and the Afghan army wasn’t ready to defeat the Taliban after the US army evacuation.

While we don’t know yet why the Taliban marched with ease and took over Kabul without a fight, it is possible that the Afghan army wanted to avoid unnecessary slaughter of thousands of civilians as the Taliban had threatened to perform.

What Next?

Afghans trying to flee Khabul by plane We will witness increased immigration from Afghanistan into Europe. Europe will have to accept political refugees and everyone of Afghan nationality will be a war refugee. Many will immigrate just because they would want a better life outside of a strict authoritarian regime that is notorious for its brutality and the clampdown of political dissidents. Afghanistan wasn’t providing any religious freedom, even under the US occupation. Religious minorities suffer and are considered second-class citizens, having no voting rights and most times, being treated unfairly.

The Taliban regime is expected to enforce extreme punishment methods like stoning, beheadings, and dismemberment, as it did under its previous ruling, and will govern in similar ways with the Islamic State.

It is a very sad moment for a world that today looks into space and tries to find answers. We are just a century away from beginning the colonization of our solar system, and yet humanity is still so immature and driven by stupidity.

The Taliban, the Islamic State, and any kind of aggression is not the action though, but the reaction. It is the mistake made by the foreign intervention of superpowers since the colonial ages.

It is a country that has fought wars since Alexander the Great conquered these lands. It fought the Great Brittain, the Soviet Union, and was invaded by the US-led coalition. Under these conditions, anyone born in the Afghan region is born a fighter. This is what the US occupation could not change and the Taliban will only replace the puppet government with an even worse one.

The refugee waves are already increasing and Europe will also have to face the consequences of this war that started 20 years ago. The worst of course is for those people that will have to abandon everything and try to find peace thousands of miles away from home.



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14 135 $ 25.10 @Pantera 4 min Bitcoin Cash Hub(0cd1) 5 days ago Comments

Sort ↓ Add your comment A video of the dismal happenings in the airport is currently doing the rounds in major media outlets. Millions are trying to flee the country as we speak.

I don't know what their takeover portend for the average Afghan man ; but it sure doesn't look good for the women. It's bleak , bleak and bleak up there.


$ 0.10 User's avatar Blizard44 Reply 7 hours ago I was just discussing this yesterday with a friend and was also reading articles about it in google, especially how they treat women and ask them to forcefully marry the terrorists to make babies... omg trust me, that literally pierced my heart into a million pieces. Afgan needs a revolution now.. a strong leadership supported by UNO with enough resources to kill the last of terrorists who comprehend Islam according to their agenda, coz trust me, my close friends are Muslims and they themselves find it absolutely ridiculous of the Sharia law that was imposed forcefully. Nobody should get treated this way. And nobody should be made unsafe about their own native they have been living all their lives. Downright aweful

btw, I'm new here in read cash, nice meeting you :)


$ 0.05 User's avatar Theblackdoll Reply 7 hours ago Welcome to Read.Cash friend. I hope you will find it a great place to express yourself and communicate with others. Thank you for the comment too.


$ 0.00 User's avatar Pantera Reply 7 hours ago Thank you so much for the tip, appreciate it :)


$ 0.00 User's avatar Theblackdoll Reply 7 hours ago The situation there is abhorrent and abysmal, and I wish there was a workable solution. The unfortunate truth is as you said, that these people are born fighters. It is all they know. I am almost inclined to believe peace is not even in their vain. In other words, they are not interested in it, and the oppressive nature of the Muslim faith does not seem interested in adopting any of the success of Western culture to advance their economy, their people, and their country.

So, here we are.

Frankly, I think we probably should have pulled out once our own objective was met. Getting Osama Bin Laden. Beyond that we should have left the country to their own devices and their own fate. What's that old saying? You can lead a horse to water but you cannot force him to drink. It is a complete waste of time, money, and U.S. lives to try to change a country that is not at all interested in change of any sort.

Who knows where it goes from here. I wish all the for the people of Afghanistan, and feel a bit sorry for all of the other people in other countries who will be forced to continue to deal with Afghani issues as they take on refugees.

It is not a good situation for anyone.


$ 0.30 User's avatar Porwest Reply 8 hours ago It is well. it saddens me to see many people suffer, it is my prayer that the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will keep their heart and they remain in perfect peace through it all.


$ 0.00 User's avatar Hontop Reply 3 hours ago I saw the news earlier today and was surprised, the people do not war at the moment.

Now the citizens have to seek refuge far away from home, I hope things are settled. I don't pray we continue engaging in wars like this.

I really don't comprehend everything, the cause but I am more concerned about the peace and safety of the people.


$ 0.05 User's avatar George_Dee Reply 9 hours ago I think this all planned by those who are ruling the world. They gave them that possibility to be there. And now they are distracting everyone with this news instead of talking about the vaccines that are killing people. Recently, those guys visited Russia and talked with our government. While it's prohibited to talk about them at all here. People were in chock. So, they for sure didn't visit Russia for nothing. It's all a show to scare people. To make people live in fear of terrorism, adding that to the fear of virus. Also, the election are coming after about a month in Russia. And we had already one tract, a full bus with people was exploded. We didn't have any news about terrorism all the time of the pandemic, and now this. Interesting how they play with the mind of people !


$ 0.10 User's avatar clixmoney Reply 9 hours ago Yes, I've seen the bus exploding. Even if this wasn't terrorist attack but some faulty engine design that caused it, I've read news speculating about terrorist attack. The truth is often not very obvious and there can be many elements distorting it.


$ 0.00 User's avatar Pantera Reply 9 hours ago So sad... I have no words.

More than the fact that talibans took the country. The way this withdrawail was organized (if it even was) is CATASTROPHIC.

I will pray for Afghans, especially women.


$ 0.05 User's avatar CryptoLemon Reply 10 hours ago It is terrible situation. Look at the airport, all these people are going to be accused of aiding the US and will be slaughtered by the Taliban. It is very sad and nothing really changed.


$ 0.00 User's avatar Pantera Reply 10 hours ago I love this post especially the intro is like watching a youtube video and reading a story at the same time.


$ 0.00 User's avatar NakamotoBch Reply 10 hours ago Thanks, man. I tried to keep it simple about the modern struggles of the Aghan people, and I know there are a few of them that will read this. I hope they will understand that many in the West know of their struggles, pain and suffering.

Maybe not that many, and not fully, but our heart is with them nonetheless. And the vast majority, when they learn about it, be sure they don't want anyone to suffer.


$ 0.00 User's avatar Pantera Reply 10 hours ago The situation is terrible. The images of people trying to flee at the airport are heartbreaking. Once again, we will see hundreds of miles of civilians displaced. People are willing to give up everything to escape barbarism, including their lives.

It is so sad and painful to see how that after all this time, nothing has changed.


$ 0.00 User's avatar CoquiCoin Reply 6 hours ago It's funny but I was just discussing this with my brother few hours ago and I saw how people were fleeing. Even government officials were not left out. I heard they told foreign students they have 24 hours to leave or comply to their rules. The women would feel the greater impact of this and it's disheartening to see. The U.S leaving made it easy for the Talibans to take over.

This is disheartening...


$ 0.00 User's avatar Olasquare Reply 6 hours ago U.S. President Joe Biden discusses his 'Build Back Better' agenda and administration efforts to "lower prescription drug prices," in the East Room at the White House in Washington, U.S., August 12, 2021. REUTERS/Evelyn Hockstein/File Photo

WASHINGTON, Aug 16 (Reuters) - U.S. President Joe Biden will return to the White House from Camp David on Monday to deliver remarks on Afghanistan, the White House said.

Biden will speak at 3:45 p.m. (1945 GMT), it said.

This is the breaking news 20mins ago I hopefully the battle on Afghanistan will end as soon as possible because many people in their are so pitiful🥺🥺🥺


$ 0.00 User's avatar Romz143 Reply 7 hours ago I kind of feel for Europe.

The Syrian refugee crisis, as overwhelming as it were, would have nothing on the fresh wave of Refugees about to hit them .

This might have some effect in Africa as well . Terror groups like ISWAP , Al Shabab and Boko Haram might capitalise on this new gain to consolidate their holdings and push for territories in the already weakened states.

Trust Taliban to provide the funding.


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@Jhay-drumz posted 2 years ago
