What is Primary Source?

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Avatar for JessaBars
3 years ago

Hey guy! Since I have no time to create more article I want to share with you what is primary source. ☺ Please read. ☺

As what I understand in the study of history primary source are the original documents, artifacts or the source of information that was written or created at the time during the study. It was created to provide events that happened in the past and it serves as an original source of information, the most credible source. It was created represents original thinking, reports on discoveries or events and it share new information. It give us a powerful sense of history for us to know and be involve in the past. Through analyzing the primary sources it guides us toward higher-order thinking and better critical thinking and analysis skills.

If I already have time I will share with you more creative works.

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$ 0.42 from @TheRandomRewarder


good job bro....keep it up

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