Having self-control

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Avatar for Jerrysavage00
2 years ago

Hello guys, how are you doing? I trust that you're having a great day. Let's quickly right yesterday's article.

One way to keep your life peacefully is to consciously live by your belief system, a good one at that. I know it's easier said than done because everyday we're faced with situations that makes us change our bias. To do this efficiently, it requires that you step back sometimes and observe how you live your life. You also check if you're making decisions based on your belief or that you're just reacting to everything that comes your way instead of standing by your belief? You need to start paying attention to your daily behavior so that you can

When you live by your belief system, you'll realize that it’s one of the most satisfying things you can do.

If you find out that you’re disagreeing with your belief system, then something is wrong, you'll need to recognize the thing that may be causing you to react in a way that is not in line with your character.

When you're in sync with yourself, you become the best version of yourself and others can benefit from you actions and character. It's not now left to just having belief system, but having a good belief system? If you had one before, you'll need to take time to review them.

It’s very easy to live a life without standards and values, you just go with the flow and do whatever feels like is good. But don't forget that this will cause a lot of problems because your actions will never be in sync with your beliefs.

When you’re not living in a way that feels good, it will create imbalance in your life because you won't be at peace with yourself. You may still get where you want to go eventually, but you’ll get there with a heavy heart and disturbed conscience. To be balanced, you'll need to have good values and stick to it regardless of the circumstances. By this, you'll have peace in your heart.

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Having self-control is something we’d all like to do more of, and something many people struggle with. The good news is, it’s not what happens to you that determines your mood; it’s what happens in you.

With so many people being upset over things they can’t control, we can’t be upset by what we can’t control either. And this is where self-control comes in.

The dictionary defines self-control as “restraint or discipline in personal actions and desires.” It’s the ability to stop ourselves from doing something before we do it, and it’s needed for those times when we feel like we have no other choice but to react and respond. When we make it a goal to have self-control, we can say things like; I won’t let my emotions run me over, I won’t let others have control over me, I will press on even when things are tough, I will choose the right way when I feel like there is no other choice.

Self-control is about having the ability to choose what you do and what you don’t do. It’s the ability to tell yourself to be still, to stay calm, to not say or do something immediately. Self-control has been researched and found to be one of the best predictors of success in life. In fact, self-control has been shown to have a greater impact on life outcomes than intelligence, more than emotional stability and even more than circumstances surrounding a person’s upbringing.

You don’t have to control every circumstance around you. You don’t even have to be “positive”. You just need self-control.

When it comes to having self-control, I’ve learned the hard way that while you might want to control others, you can’t. You might want to control situations and circumstances, but you can’t. You might want to control how people react and behave, but you can’t.

Putting your energy out there into the world and trying to fix everything that could go wrong is not a formula for happiness and peace of mind.

Thanks for reading through. I hope loved it.

All images are from Unsplash.

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Avatar for Jerrysavage00
2 years ago


Self control can also save one from alot of damages due to a mis-said word. I really wish I had this, I have so many unpleasant experiences from not having self-control; so many to tell. I am working towards it and I'm glad I read this. Thanks alot for sharing.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Thank you. You're welcome

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have control about myself. But sometimes missing it. Hahahaha

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I understand, It happens sometimes

$ 0.00
2 years ago

so true, I am glad that i'm in control of myself.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

That's very nice

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah trying to control other things feels like a waste, rather try to learn self-control, it does wonders if you want to live a disciplined, enjoying and progressive life. No need to think of Falling into bad traps as your self control will take care of it.

$ 0.03
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

Self-control is so important in every individuals life, no matter what each and everyone of us is doing, be it that we are trying to make a decision in our mind, or getting involved in a physical act, we must try our very best to maintain that self-control to bring about good results.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

You're very correct, Peju

$ 0.00
2 years ago