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Avatar for Jerrysavage00
2 years ago
From Unsplash

Good day guys. I trust that you're having a great day. How's your weekend going. I hope you're really taking time to rest. Please rest, because it's very important. When you rest, you'll be able perform better at work.

I know today is filled with so many chores. It's everywhere. Saturday is always like the day of chores for everyone. Just make sure you rest when you're done with them.

Almost all of us here have been disappointed, even if you have not been disappointed before, for being on this platform, I'm sure rusty might have disappointed you before either by not visiting your article or not visitjng it as it should. I know you can relate now. It's not always easy to cope with disappointment because sometimes itpains deep inside especially when it comes from the most unexpected person. This is the kind of thing that makes people find it difficult to trust others. For some, the memories of disappointment has never left them, thy keep remembering from time to time, and this makes them sad and hard hearted the more.

Today we'll be discussing on disappointment, but before I go on, I'll like to thank some special people; Special thanks to my sponsors both old and the ones planning to, subscribers both old and those that will subscribe now, also thanks to those who thumbs up and comment on my post, I really appreciate all of you, I do not take it for granted.

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Back to the subject of today. Disappointment ever remains a thing of to the reciever. The thing about disappointment is that sometimes it's not intentional but you see some people, they do it intentionally. I don't know what breed of people they are.

From Unsplash

Why make an agreement with someone even when you know that you won't deliver well and at the right time? This question most applies to Nigerian tailors. Every Nigerian understands this well. Nigerian tailors can disappoint so well. Even if you give them your clothes in the month of January, with the hope of getting it in December, they'll still not deliver. Every Nigerian has had their own fair share of disappointment from tailors.

I believe that if you know that you won't fulfill your promise, why commit yourself to the person. These people are wicked people because they deliberately disappoint without remorse.

Another one is that of you thought that you could deliver but later discovered that you cannot again. Why wait till that day before telling the affected person of your inability to meetup. It has become an habit for some people, definitely, this is a bad habit. Because it won't take long before people start disbelieving the promises you make. If you're unable to meetup with the original promise, inform the individual so that he can find another alternative instead of leaving the person pained and confused.

To the person that has been disappointed even from unexpected people. I know you've lost trust in people. There is a yoruba adage that says that 'if you turn your back for the wicked to pass, you won't know when the good person will pass'. Therefore as much as you need to protect your heart, it'll be nice that you give allowance for some genuine people.

This is all for today. Enjoy your weekend. Thanks

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Avatar for Jerrysavage00
2 years ago


In this life expect anything from anybody. Disappointment nowadays r not hard to come by. The sad reality is that most of the people who disappoint us aren't the people we suspect will do so. All in all as long as you live in this earth you and disappointment will be like 5 and 6 haha.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yeah. I've learnt not too expect too much from another person

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nigerian tailor and disappointment is as if they learnt it with the job πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Truly, everyone at one point or the other would have have a share of disappointment in life and it pains past when you are disappointed by those whom you felt will not do such.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Exactly bro

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That disappointment from naija tailor is the worst. Infact disappointment is in their Gene. The way they with disappointing is so amazing, no atom of remosefulness at all🀣🀣

$ 0.02
2 years ago

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ no matter how angry you're. They won't be remorseful

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I like the concept that there is wisdom in everything that happens including disappointments. Life comprises of crisis and victory.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes, there are advantages and disadvantages I everything in life

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I know how it feels like to be disappointed. I have gotten my own fair share particularly on this platform but I haven't let it gotten to me and I keep going.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yeah. We move

$ 0.00
2 years ago