Airdrop Alert: Adamant Finance Will Airdrop $Addy on Arbitrum For Polygon Stakers

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2 years ago

In case you missed it, Adamant has announced their Arbitrum airdrop for those that are staking Addy on Polygon and there is still time if you want to participate.


Users who are locked in the Basic Lock or Lock Plus contracts on Polygon will be airdropped Arbitrum ADDY. Get locked today!

The airdrop will be very simple: each user will receive 1 Arbitrum ADDY for each boost point they have on the Polygon network.

The snapshot date for this airdrop is still to be determined and will allow time for users in our legacy lock to participate. To be eligible make sure to lock your ADDY in our Basic Lock or Lock Plus as soon as possible. More news on that snapshot is forthcoming.

To be very clear, the Polygon network will continue to be the main home of the Adamant platform. Polygon will remain as one of the top L2 scaling solutions because transactions on it are much cheaper than transactions on Arbitrum.

If you are unfamiliar with Adamant finance, @dalz has a great review piece waiting for you. And if you don't know how to get started with Polygon, I explained the whole process here.

Before You Go

Before you go I want to give you a few tools that will help you identify upcoming airdrops and not miss the ones you already got.

  • Follow DeFi Airdrops on Twitter and turn notifications on. They aren't spammy and are almost always on top of things.

  • If you are on Etehreum you have to go to EarnFi right now and check if you have some airdrops waiting to be claimed. I think it tracks a few other chains as well but I am not 100% sure on that one.

  • Be on the lookout for useful Dapps in the space that don't have a token yet. Slingshot is just one example. Test their products with a few transactions, keep using them if you find them useful and stay informed if you don't want to miss the payday when it comes.

Another pro tip is to stop wasting time on raffles disguised as airdrops and look for actually good opportunities. The way "airdrops" work on Coinmarketcap and many other similar platforms is just insulting for participants. You give them so much personal information that they will probably resell to marketers, only to get a chance to win $20 or $50 worth of coins...

Be better, start using dapps that are actually innovative and your rewards will be much higher than ever before, I promise.

Reposted from my LeoFinance account.

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2 years ago
