Writer's block

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2 years ago

Everybody seems to be in high spirits today that everyone else went home early! Leaving me and two others in the office in the wee hours of dawn. Hmmm, I muse myself earlier on read.cash published articles and lo! Oh dear, I’m finding myself good reads even tipped my favorites tonight, not because I’m rich but rather I have to give good back to the community that helped me on my breaking hours!

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Good reads

I’m happy to come across articles that are so well written that pops my eyes out. While many are writing on the surface trying to showcase their writing skills and show that world what “content writing” is. There are some I come across with the writes with substance! And I have thought that I will never find anymore articles that has so much substance on it, not just mere content! Oh don’t need to mention it. But there is one that catches the heart, mind and soul. Why? The message to the world was like, well, striped you off your clothes to be exact. I’m not saying those “content writers” are not talented. Hey! They are, what they do is actually not easy as I am not really leaning towards that part of the show. Same with “substance writer”, almost the same but not in character. Content writers are lovers of attention, attracts so much attention that even raises the dead?! Hahaha! Sorry if I put it that way, but you know the cliché! Its true. The thing is that I’m reading a lot of complains about all these reads, but they don’t seem to realize it that they doing it! Let me expound the reads they complain about, too much cliché to the point of almost an altered reality. Funny how it is, they seem to be in denial too of the kind of articles they write. Clueless to the point they’re deceiving their own?! Ouch! “Substance writers”, -though I don’t classify myself with such because like I said, im just starting… hmmm… bites their own pens, lolz. I mean, they have the tendency to scare people away from their articles because, it so profound that the surface is tearing apart, almost incoherent to the appalled reader! Hahaha! Its like pouring an acid to your skin that it only not itches but breaches the epidermis, burning it to the 3rd degree… Ek! Ek! Although, I love the sassiness and smoothness content writers do to their work. Of course, they put same effort like references, links and sources. But once you strip them off, its almost like an empty paper at hand. While substance writers, strip them off, and you see the architectural structure left behind –the backbone of their writing. Though I would love for the content on because they’re very entertaining to the point of humiliatingly embarrassing, -writing a comedy isn’t easy you know! Pretty entertaining, aren’t they?!


I grow up surrounded with good writers. My father is one hell of a writer, I requested to help my friend about 15yrs ago in her moving to Australia with her handicapped daughter. Other lawyers already refused because they said chances are, but lo! She resides there already. My sis, our eldest, was one heck of a journalist. While my best buddy in highschool, wow! Is awesomely great, a very versatile writer who confessed his love for me and I really thought he wrote our story in a movie with a satirical tone, -a comedy with whiplash! Though it will never be me and him because he loved his ego more than he ever loved me, and I laughed at it hard about 3years ago! And until then, its not my loss because I am truly happy where I am, -leaving him empty and disdain! Oh my, he is extremely rich by the way! My boys call him “yads”. Lolz. Really sorry for that, that’s what you get when you love your pride the more! ciao! Ciao! God bless!

Nov 19, 2021
Image from Unsplash

$ 2.55
$ 2.46 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @HappyBoy
$ 0.03 from @GarrethGrey07
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2 years ago
