The recesses of our mind

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2 years ago

Life – is a cycle. Everything comes in and out. Without a hint of certainty, life exists. Randomly comes about and goes. Like the air that freely goes as where it flows! Oh! Swiftly a day goes by and life goes on! Some said goodbye while others live another day! Embracing the warmth of the sun, each time. If unlucky, then hides in the gloomiest mood of the crying heavens.

Lo! The very existence of us was given birth by love and fellowship. Witnessed by the aging time, and time again it never diminished. It goes on, one generation after the other until extinction. Foretold by stories that abound the books on time, all telling about the love of its lifetime!

The secrets unfold, revealing every chapter. As the wild ride to its fantasies unveils. Going further into the emulsion of its emotion, living but raw and pure ecstasies that kindles the wildest daydreams.

By and by the day gone by… feeling the emptiness that hides inside. Nothing fills up the empty cup only the loneliness that piles up. Keeping every daydream alive, up until the throttle binds up.

Then a painful truth struck in, knowing all it was just a fantasy. Created by a lonely mind, to fill up the emptiness inside! Oh! How convenient for it was so easy to tell a story, created by a very beautiful mind. Thinking that it would be but only last for a moment, not a lifetime.

Life never ceases but only continues as it comes. The uncertainty of tomorrow creates fantasies that only exist in the mind hoping it be a dream come true.

But lo! While fantasies are created, there are that came true. To a few who worked hard, and committed to coming true. Not a day they rest but persist to a fantasy they commit. A commitment of a lifetime begets a masterpiece that lives forever. Oh! There were few, the lucky ones that lives to live their masterpieces.

Oh, how we live… our lives dedicated to our truths. Something ours and truly pure. Others, live it well while many live it good while a few lived grandiosely.

June 23, 2022
Image: my sons photos

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Written by
2 years ago


We need camping after hard work for months to have some break and being relaxed.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Dead sister our Brian is always working again and again making cyclic activities. We are lucky we can control our mind against animal who even can't use their brain.

$ 0.01
2 years ago