Resting: Lost in the Thoughts of Nature!

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2 years ago

The week feels long and I am dying for it to be over! Restless over not feeling well, have to take a lot of rest as my hypertension seems endless! Yesterday has ended, and me having another medication to take just to calm my anxious nerves.


I found myself resting and sleeping on the veranda. Open air seems to give a very refreshing feel of the wind gushing into my being! Invigoratingly refreshing the very soul that has been tired over the worries of tomorrow with such illness to consider. Weighing so much on my shoulder considering the boys I’m looking after are still young.

The chirping birds that land on the tree’s boughs sends me to the nurturing spell of nature’s healing powers. Together with the sights of the swaying of the trees and the wind bustling in and out the sunny hot afternoon!

Remembering the succulents on the roof deck seems to have the liking of the weather lately that most of them bloomed a flower or two. Others, proliferating. Wow! If I wished I could spend a whole day with them, cherishing every moment that went by. Seeing sprouts, and a lot of babies anywhere is such a wonderful sight, taking my anxieties away!


The relaxing effects of nature are truly a wonder. The simple sight of trees or plants that surrounds is just captivating as it is. So much more as you spend time deep into their territory or even in just a small garden! Attending them, tilling the soil, trimming, watering, and cutting dried leaves exhume nurturing care for life in us.

All the more the refreshing feeling as you step in and feel the soil on your feet… the feel of the earth is truly different.

All the more as I spend the time until the evening! The touch of nature truly soothes away the troubled mind and revitalizes the senses. And feeling that tends to overwhelm the weakening body of a tired soul. Hmmm… I wonder how a stroll would do wanders, had I had a chance on a weekend!

Looking forward. Thank you for the read, God bless!

June 16, 2022
Image: pinterest & my own

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2 years ago


These natural plans needs a lot of elevation every day like you have a child and you elevate it every day.

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2 years ago