Reflections: Demeaning words…

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2 years ago

Trash talks… I often heard my sons talk about the trash talking when playing Mobile Legends that they are either muted when reported or banned from the game. I play the game with them and certainly yes, I was trashed talked because I’m not really good and totally depend on this… this is just for the sake of playing with them.

Most often than not, those who do trash talks are the ones with mediocre skills to zero! That’s just a pure observation with me into the game. Unfortunately. My sons are top players in our place/location instead of talking back whenever I get trashed talk, they go for the kill and targeted the player who did the trash talking. Then explain after several kills, “you don’t get to trash talk my mom!”, “you like one-on-one, sure! Bring it on.”

Then reading articles here, I do encounter writers with demeaning words only euphemized almost like undetected if you were not keen. I really wonder what motivates them to do such!

I mean, my mom never get to talk “stupid, crazy, dumb, and the likes” while I was growing up. So I never get to practice demeaning words as I grow up while my kids limit those only when they’re on the game because they rationale it like “mami, it’s only a game, not the reality!”. Well, true as declared but… it got me thinking.

My kids separate reality from virtual, after all, games are just games and that’s how virtual reality has become. Practice in a world where competition is ever true, especially in games. However, there comes some movement banning those who do trash talks amongst squads which I find good because it encourages teamwork, participation, encouragement, and motivation for many players in their journey in moving up from the ranks. A good support system for the gamers as they pursue their goals and enabling move up with resilience and in time be good squad leaders, -encouraging camaraderie, teamwork, and everything else it entails.

What I do wander the most is the virtual is so competitive that you have to live in schematics to outsmart everyone else and end up? Even blogging? That writers come up with schemes to capture attention or draw the reader’s attention? Well, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it but how long could a writer keep it up?

However, there are writers too, well established that they are comfortable expressing their minds, however, become demeaning in the long run. Forgetting that we are humans, that our biases, our fortunes/misfortune, mistakes, and the likes are a cosmic cycle for a reason. It is established to enable us to grow and since everyone is different, everyone’s learning cycle is also different so… Why call people stupid when they don’t learn it the 1st time? Why call them dumb when they are still coping up with the lesson they are learning! Yes, everyone seems to agree to be kind but kindness becomes secondary, while humility is only better said than done. People talks and writes about depression in their composition yet they call people stupid over spilled milk. I mean, what happens to kindness and humility? When simple things go wrong, you’re labeled dumb. When you are fat, you are labeled “pig, swine, and a lot more”. Shaming each other not just virtually but in reality, this is true.

What gives them the right to judge people to commit the same mistake over and over again? I mean, they also commit mistakes, but not to this degree. I bet these people commit graver mistakes than this, only we don’t know that because they know better than to disclose!

And write about people suffering from depression most of the time. How the world abounds those suffering in silence, alone in the dark, and everything else! And there too, one leading to another, ending up in suicide… and we talk about it like it is not the end of the world but yet we haven’t examined how we treat those people who suffer in silence? Quite an irony you think? I mean, like everyone is writing, you’ll never know someone is suffering until they talk about it? But yet uttering demeaning words in the heights of anger, doesn’t actually absolve you from committing the crime! Losing your presence of mind just because… you are angry, frustrated, and disappointed – is not reason enough!

I hope you realize it now. I’m not saying you keep your cool, what I’m saying is that… hoping you’ll never get to experience someone making demeaning remarks on you over simple mistakes or grave mistakes. And it especially hurts the most when someone you love, told you that. Remember, we get to lose our presence of mind in the heights of emotions. Human as we are, we are all subject to that, no one is exempted! So be kind or humble? No, just realize that and you’ll not feel all that superior anymore! Don’t make excuses! Learn!

July 22, 2022
Image: Pinterest

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Written by
2 years ago


I don't like cursing. I don't say a bad word to anyone because I don't want a bad word to be said to me. We can't justify our rudeness by saying this place is virtual, not real.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Because some people have a lot of damages due to a small mistake made by others.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

True, but do we have to call them names? Or immediately say "STUPID!"? Can't we just close or mouth and move on instead of uttering disgusting words? hihihi!

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2 years ago