Public Speaking, something we don’t trifle with!

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2 years ago

Oh no! for the past days, I have ranted about “Public Speaking”. Someone of acquaintance actually posted/commented on an interview on FB for her presidential candidate, -coming May election. She said “its ok for Her (her candidate) to commit some mistake on the interview”, based on her years of experience in the field! can I make faces?

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Ok a very practical application on “Public Speaking”, “Beauty Pageant: Miss Universe”. All around the world is watching and everybody has bets, every candidate is ready and prepared, -all of them flawless. Then one of the most amazing and awaited part is the “Question & Answer”. Since all candidates are coming from all around the world with different language but the language used is primarily “English”, so everyone is entitled to an interpreter but its time to shine and show off your ENGLISH Skills –ayt? Of course, who wouldn’t? Everyone wants to win right?! The tense, thrill and expectations are there and the moment the candidate utter a word to answer the question is just as exhilarating as it is. Then if she commits just one mistake in her grammar or on the word usage – comes disappointment and the beter, now frustrated. See my point? Simple as it is and this is just a “Pageant”. With all the commotion that just happened, everyone is throwing opinions coming from different angles. Many throw insults and harsh comments that either will kill and end a candidate’s career or build a good fortune for those who answered well. Many of course chooses not to go on because of extreme humiliation. This is how crucial “Public Speaking” is. It ends or builds a career, depending on the person’s answer to questions thrown their way.

Now, back to the “person of acquaintance”, oh did she just justify the wrong answers made by her presidential candidate? Really? And that were excusable? Aha? How so? If in “Pageantry” making a mistake is humiliation, what make her think her presidential candidate is excused? Just because she has years of experience in the field of “Public Speaking/Speaking Engagements”, for a hobby? When it comes to public speaking, a coach is provided, wasn’t she informed by her coach of the do’s and the don’t’s? This is our country we are talking and fighting about? Is it a joke? No! It wasn’t excusable. Just because she is her presidential candidate qualifies her to make such commentaries! Have she asked questioned like, what will become of the country if she answered with all those? What happens to us if she doesn’t know the current situation of the country? How good and bad is it? Their parties have been rumbling over the $1T debts, despite the collection, still not paying. The “war” in Ukraine and the Philippine West Sea situation with China! I mean, seriously? What will become of us? We can barely keep up with China, with its Militia? Ukraine suitors is even taken aback with the attacks from Russia having far more superior equipment, and Philippines having the same allies with Ukraine? What? Will be pulverized into islets? Puffed out of the map? Our fishermen are already having problems fishing the areas we own – Spratly’s and the neighboring islands, where China already made ports there, so much more if our PRESIDENT has little knowledge about the seat she is taking into. Oh no! God forbid.

Election is at hand. Although we survive all the administrations that came by but this is different. We just restored Philippine Political Will in the international arena where Russia seems to like our current President and even China – mellowed with her effort of conquer after being lambasted by the previous administration. Now this coming presidential candidate? Unequipped to take charge just because propagandist saw her as potential candidate because her husband was killed? With no other experience politically, just driven. Aren’t we have enough with the dictates of the propagandist to succumb to their wiles? Just a growing concern, which is why I wrant often the pass few days so I decided to write it all here! Thank u for reading!

March 9, 2022
Images: pinterest

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Written by
2 years ago


Unless you learn to stand by a huge crowd to speak then speaking in public is ever going to be a huge problem. Sometimes it is not about how fluent you're in the language you choose to speak but just how well youre able to express yourself. To overcome that public frieght ypu must practice every day.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Basically this is why you need a coach and training... and a lot of exposure but even so, stage fright will ever be present. Even I, manage to get away with stage fright but still prefer if its not necessary which is why i dont work in any related to this.

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2 years ago