Plants, the subtle benefits!

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2 years ago


I’ve been away for days because there really is a lot of organizing to do! What a pity, I am already exhausted.

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Philippines is tropically located near the equator, experiencing only hot and summer weather, with monsoon rains that can last about a week or two. Currently, we are sizzling hot as the sun scourges us with its heat unforgivingly… like its highly adorable to indulge, drenching ourselves on the coolness of the sea during weekends. I can’t imagine the little joy it brings, the refreshing and soothing effects on the skin. However, in as much as I’d like to but it’s pretty exhausting coming from a trip for a very short weekend, not to mention work that follows the day after.

Plants always amazes me. And our land is gifted with such diversity that disappointing to know that many forests are now converted into subdivisions and villages, or converted for agriculture. As forestry provides protection for water reservoir -in return a source of water distributed into the metropolis, it provides homage of different species of plants and animals, some endangered, others are flourishing. The birds, amphibians, insects, boars and different plants species. In general, the fauna and flora, altogether contributes to the great ecosystem it builds. Trees provides a great sources of protection as its heights reaches meters high above, shading the earth below, allowing moist to thrive and water to dissipate while its branches serves as homage for either the birds, insects, et al… oh! The epiphytes would love this the most, while the moist encourages for mosses to thrive deep below while you can explore the floor, full of the captivating beauty of the fungi that grow, just all around. I cannot imagine the wander it brings to anyone who explores these depths.

Plants indeed are truly amazing, are they not? Despite their immobility, they thrive and reaches other lands with the help of insects, birds and other animals that migrates from one land to another, bringing with them pollens that pollinates other plants. And then, cross pollinates bringing in new species as a new delight. As migration happens, comes flourishing new lands, as those pollens they have with them create brand new plants bringing in life that will soon abound. Wind too, contributes so much as there are a lot of spices of pollens, so light that they are swept away as the wind blows… the ones that triggers asthma attacks like mine, allergic to pollens. How unfortunate?

True to its purpose, they only not give this delights, but provides vast array of nutritious food and supplies, none other. The herbs, serves its aroma with blends of healing flavors. Mint provides menthol flavors and effects soothing the very core of our throat, quenching the thirst. Rosemary, releases strong pungent odor that repels mosquitoes which abounds the tropics scaring away malaria and dengue – a must to have in my garden. Lemon-grass and ginger, too drives away mosquitoes and highly good for anyone suffering high blood pressure. And… funny how it seems, they seem to absorb stress away! Oh, yes! All the more reason to be glad the shift has finally ended and happily go home. Now hospitals spends and make efforts for gardens to be part of their architectural designs.

It’s not everybody appreciates them. Many actually take them for granted since, they are seen, just around any corner. Look and there in one corner some thrived, while another one up ahead. I plant because I love having them around, my companions in the days old and new. Not knowing the benefits it brings of having them around as I soon discovered it. You, you have any plant stories? Do share. Thank you for the time, ‘till next time.

May 8, 2022
Image: Pinterest

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Written by
2 years ago


Plants have so many benefits, that is why I don't understand why people are cutting down trees any how.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

It's ok to cut, but should always be replaced. Unfortunately, it isn't done that's why we're encountering problems these days.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Plants serves us with quite some powerful functions and without plant, there us absolutely not much we can reach as human.

$ 0.01
2 years ago