Plagiarism – checked?

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2 years ago

Plagiarism – checked?

I thought? I wouldn’t need to worry about it as long as I am writing my own content and don’t have to copy ideas that’s not mine to begin with. Saying in a tone “with a hurt pride”! I mean why would I do such thing when ideas just run all the time in my head that I really don’t have to force myself to think about anything to write. But honestly, there is this “book project”, my friend and I was planning to publish and yet to this point both of us hadn’t really written anything.

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Good morning friends, do hop in and be critical about my mindset. I really don’t mind.

Now that I am writing, oh no! there is really a big difference between writing a book and an article. I never thought and realized the huge difference! Writing an article, well, I haven’t really done this before so I’m totally swarming with ideas never before surfaced – not a problem. I haven’t exploited this part me. While writing a book is a little bit over-the-edge considering I just had my lappy buried and no previous experience in writing and gosh, the realization hits me how ambitious the “project” was to begin with. Pardon me but hey! I am confident because I have big guns as my back up and that…

Original Intent

Back to plagiarism, well, it may be an original intent but not the content, was already published. So I search for plagiarism checker online and use it. First article, wow! 100% with no doubt with 39 unique sentence, -super confident. Then 2nd article, oh my, that is when the realization hits when a line is subjected to plagiarism. A moment of truth that your statements are already publish hits the red buttons all over the brain. Well of course, why wouldn’t it be? Amongst the millions or billions published content in the net, for the passage of time, chances are, the statement has been made.


So… Plagiarism really isn’t a bluff but rather something I am considering in using for the next coming articles. Just to be sure I’m not crossing the line on intellectual rights and the likes, it’s an advocacy in our batch where are prided ourselves to write our original contents and never copy. Not that I copied the text, it just so happened its done with. Hop to the next statement, the next one closest to the idea and doesn’t have to lose its integrity. After all, I wrote the content so I can eventually write something that says it all. Why? Would it be that hard? Don’t think so if I was mine in the 1st place.

Originality in all its context should be respected, you may have the same thought but sorry, you’re a second too late. Move on and make another thought. Ideas are just there, you just need to see and expand it. I always believe that the mind is able to create countless of ideas and is capable of exploring possibilities that many is reluctant to explore. Just because it is new, it does mean its unexplorable. You see I hate it when I notice people copy other people’s idea and make it them own. They’re just so good with presentation that they get away from it when it wasn’t theirs in the first place! That’s why its our advocacy.

If you were burnt out, I’m not saying you stop, it’s just that you need to take a break at least. Then you can run along after that break, -manage it. All the more if it was a source of income, abuse can be habitual you know. We very well know when it’s already abuse, -stress signs? Insomnia, illness, etc. Whilst we have to earn but we also have the responsibility to take care of ourselves, -health in general.

Hey! Let’s respect intellectual rights, because if you put yourself on this shoe, you wouldn’t want it when someone steps on you right? I believe so!

Thank you for indulging with me. God bless.

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2 years ago
