Our Trips: House of Bonsai (Bogo City, Cebu)

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2 years ago

For the many reads I have on readcash, I marveled over those written by many authors about travelling. And I thought that wow, they can afford travelling abroad while I can’t even afford a weekend get-away these days. Most especially when the kids are now grown up and raising them alone is, considering I have to plan ahead on saving to send them to college, -never mind. Planning a trip abroad is almost impossible and totally not a priority, -so I envied them. I envy because I love to publish a travelogue of my own. But little did know, I’m writing a travelogue of our own, -a local version.

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I have everyone to be grateful of for the many sponsors I had that allows me and my children to travel in places I could not imagine I can visit by how much I earn monthly. To my mom who always ask us to accompany them on the trips for their Outreach Program for their Christian Group, around Cebu province, it educated me and my young ones on many aspects in life. To be humble and be grateful for every blessing, allow ourselves to be introduced to people who creates countless possibilities and opportunities. Time and life has been generous.

One of the participant of the program happens to be a bonsai lover and collector, I forgot his name, it has been a while since our visit. And wow! I was really amazed with his collections, its beautiful and so many. Having one bonsai was already a hard work, how much more with such collection. And I could not help but admire the person, the resources: funds, time, energy.

So, I took my time to really appreciate the finds. The owner is generous with his hospitality and I am very thankful and I took the chance to see and enjoy such extensive collection, beautifully up-close. Take pictures, so I can remember it by in the passage of time,-and I took advantage. Yes, it is an offer I seldom get and I’m glad to take it. Examining each plant, it isn’t easy to have a collection. The amount of diligence, patience (because many of the plants are already 2 decades old or more) and hard work –naturally, they’re all heavy. It’s a physical activity not to be dealt with lightly.

Chances are I may never be able to have an opportunity like this. One is due to ageing, our collector is already beyond his prime. And little by little he has his collection disposed of, sold off to the highest bidder, so by now the collection is sold out. Two, mama is gone and she was the only connection with them, they whole-heartedly welcome us to their home because of mama.

Take a look at the beauty of these plants, very detailed. The roots that took its time to grow and dwarfed and the trunks just looks like it never aged. To actually compare to trees, dwarfed from its actual size, an aged beauty just within your reach and the owner get to train the tree as it grows. One privilege in doing bonsai -train the plant as it grow, manipulative? Well, I admire such beauty being a gardener myself. Its handy like you can rearrange them according to how you envision your garden to be, especially when new member is to be part of the collection.

As I looked back, to make a collection is almost impossible but with focus and determination it is possible. One step at a time, figure it out first then plan. It will take years but I’ll definitely get there. Persistent. Just like in life, if you have something you love to pursue, problems arise, let it not deter your spirits but have faith and persist. Continue and don’t stop until you succeed. And mind you, a Bonsai collection is expensive and can be a ticket for an early or late retirement. Or if you fail to secure an insurance, lets just sell it, its a good investment to be left behind for our younglings.

Now I am grateful for the invitations ma! Now, I get to write my travelogue.

Again, thank u until the next read.

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2 years ago
