Our Trips: Eden Nature Park (Davao City)

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2 years ago

Eden is located up in the highlights not the foot of Mt. Apo but on a road going to Mt Apo, high up there. It never occurred to me to ever write about these adventures, so I never get the details from then and now. Our Aunt sponsored the trip because she was boasting of what Davao has to offer to us, Cebuanos. She was boasting that they have a little Baguio over there, so we get to try the Park of what it has to offer, the 2nd time since there were upgrade from our last visit.

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Aunt scheduled the trip at 10am, so get to have lunch there by 11am and do some activities there because there was a playground that kids can enjoy. We purposely skipped the tour because we already had our tour once where the park shows what they have in-store, and we also want to save from that so instead we went to do the activities. The tour showed their hydroponics –mainly lettuce, vine garden where they were display a rainbow-colored vine display, herb garden –a wide variety of herb collections and it was my first time to be introduced to citronella and immediately feel in-love with it. These plants are available for sale. Along the way you will witness a good display of peacocks and other animals they let loose on the area. There was this nice blue male peacock that roomed the area, untouched.

The activity I chose after having lunch was for the kids to roam around the area, that area where kids are able to enjoy themselves unharmed. After a few minutes I suggested horse-back riding since it was assisted and no need for bookings. I want my boys to feel how it is to ride a horse even just once. And there they are, riding a horse. I couldn’t help but be amazed, watching them from afar not knowing they may be frightened or excited.

However, I was more interested on plants sold outside the park because its cheaper and with more variety. Well, here I go again, -plants. Well of course, I don’t get to see a lot of pine trees, so I was hoping to buy 1 seedling to bring back here in Cebu and cultivate it. Unfortunately, there were none sold that time. It more like dahlias and other ornamentals were sold. I was rather dismayed but as the sun set, the temperature went down. It was also because it was raining. After the rain, the fog came running down from the tops and almost covered the mountain with clouds, yes, it was so cold. Which is the reason why my aunt had the tour scheduled in the middle of the day because its almost zero visibility if we were to go back home at night.

I never thought we have fun like this. I scanned thru the FB photos and how I was so surprised looking it again. Now that I am writing, I couldn’t help but thank God for the memories stored and shared. Now my boys are big, we have shared moments that lingers that in trying times we will be grateful and continue to trust each other amidst the trials. And even if mommy is always broke, we were able to enjoy little moments like this and be grateful with the gifts that comes our way. I am grateful for everything it does to my relationship with my boys, the bond it creates that'll help us get thru trying times and look forward for a better future.

Thank you. Truly, I’m not sure what topic I’d be writing next since I just discovered I had a lot of pictures on FB that I wanted to share. Hopefully each article is something you find interesting. ‘Til next time.

$ 1.28
$ 1.16 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @carisdaneym2
$ 0.02 from @Gaftekloriginal
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2 years ago
