Oh February, how solitary!

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2 years ago

Oh February!

Why are you so solitary?

You took away momentarily

All the hopes into sanctuary. 

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Why is it so lonely?

When should not be purgatory!

Loosing mama so dearly,

Never it been so achy!


My cooking skills she honed

From dusk til dawn.

Never stopped until its done.

Perfection to come.


Demons that haunted

Fears that daunted

Bitter memories that taunted

You all surmounted.


Mama, oh mama!

We all saw the drama!

Treatment like a coma,

With your outcry, their karma!


Problems you simplify,

All those you pacify,

You never specify,

How you rectify!


And you found your way!

And went away!

Everything in disarray

that swept us away, Day by day!



We live by the day,

Knowing you went away!

Oh not far away!

Invincibly you stay!


Til the day,

We too go away!

In but a day,

Us, together stay!

Feb 22, 2022

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Written by
2 years ago
