Oh, allergies! Hello there asthma, its been a while!

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2 years ago

Simply because the weather is good, allergies wont strike? Like the future, every day is full of surprises. Cant expect that its all sunny in the morning and it wont rain at night. That’s actually what is happening to our weather nowadays! It keeps on changing. As it changes our body tries to adjust but really just sometimes failed to adjust, overcome by circumstances it is exposed to!

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The week has been all sunny and it suddenly rains. While I get up to prepare our meal, my nose suddenly gets irritated and a full-blown rhinitis is going to happen. What a day!

It has been like this for years. Twice I was not able to attend graduation rites because asthma suddenly got worst, ending up in the hospital during graduation with a bit of complication – pneumonia. It was sad but little did I know and did my mom. And as I grew, it is a common scenario in our family and relatives. Early morning sneeze that exponentially become colds at the end of the day.

I am medically inclined so I naturally sought for explanation to everything that is happening since I do not believe that things like this cannot be explained. Basically I learn that my allergies are triggered by “pollen”, e.g.: dusts, flower pollens, mites, those microscopic materials qualifies as pollens. So I do away with dusts, no cleaning or dusting in a closed environment so not to disturb and disperse the dusts in the air. Then I set further reading as well. I discovered that, especially when it rains at dawn or dusk, I shouldn’t be going out early in the morning. Why? Well, the pollens or dusts outside is lifted in the air, feet from the ground. So anyone allergic with pollens are affected and will start non-stop sneezing. Most especially when it rains, the pollen/dust are widely dispersed into the air due to water droplets. When I learned this, it was some tool I used to avoid the non-stop sneezing. Its very exhausting having to sneeze all day!

I am fairly satisfied with what I learned and still continue to learn more as my years went by. Then, I lost weight, oh! It paved the way for all of the troubles to magically disappear. It wasn’t overnight but I slimmed down on my early 20s. I lost my belly fats. For years, I truly enjoyed the freedom from all the cough, colds, rhinitis, sneeze and most importantly I enjoyed eating delicious seafoods that further triggered asthma when allergy is activated. From crabs to shrimps to shells to squids, name all seafoods that triggers allergies I ate it. Thank God, there was a solution. Then I got older and metabolism also got older and slower and I was getting fatter too! What I did was cut my rice intake and walk back home from work, and enjoyed a few more years without asthma.

Although asthma was not around to mess up my day, I was still having some allergic reactions especially what they called “contact dermatitis”, direct contact to mites from cuddling dogs, cats, playing with the grass outside the house. Eczema too was a problem though yearly in its occurrence, but still is very itchy and so bothersome, which also disappeared after losing weight. With it I was enjoy allergy and its effect, with lesser occurrence and lesser impact. So, still I have to be careful with the things I am in contact with.

Comes transfer of residence, my neck went fat and my belly very bulgy… oh my! Non-stop eating or eating but less physical activities? Hmmm… not good. I weigh a whooping 68 kilos during our Annual Physical Exam. Now, Im taking non-stop anti allergy and anti-asthma tablets for almost a year now. And of course, I join in my kids eating the deliciousness of cakes, ice-creams and soda while my body is already at the stage where metabolism is really low. Plus working on night shift is really not helping. I come with eliminating all these starting with a weekend walk with my boys, for them to get out of the room too somewhere in Ayala. And push on with healthy eating and really cut off the sweets and planning on going on fish diet. Hmmm, lets see the results. Thank u for your time, hoping you learn something. God bless!

March 17, 2022
Image: Pinterest


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2 years ago


I have low metabolism also that is why my belly is always showing but yeah I love those ice creams also.

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