No money, no honey

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2 years ago

hmmm… another weekend… It’s been dull! Terribly. Found myself nagging my sons because… the usual, children do!

“No money, no honey!”

Love is as good as cash? Even since the beginning of time, people have to trade. Perhaps! Whatever that has to mean… From food to clothes, and transportation, it’s been there before gold and silver were discovered and made into a mode of exchange until money came into existence!

The simple mechanics of economics has been aiding the flow of exchange in this arena. That it’s been traditional practice by families for generations, and in order to preserve wealth, power, and connections, weddings were arranged between families.

Betrothal is a common practice for generations. Obviously still hold for many families from China and even Europe has this too! This is not just to preserve ties but also to preserve lineage! The aristocrats remain aristocrats while commoners are still commoners. This is seen in the caste system in India through one worth is redeemed through the incarnation and that’s another story.

Primarily women were used as trade… hmm, makes no difference if you were slaves, huh? However, a lady remains a lady as she is off to marry a man of the same stature. They’re free to choose but mostly, the men have a say in the exchange. Wooppss, so never wonder why women sought freedom. To freely make our choices, from the start to whether to marry or stay single.

However, it’s a different case if you were slaves! A slave remains a slave, turned to be a sex slave? Oh! That’s right since sex is a commodity… which is why sexual harassment is so important at the workplace because women are tagged as “weaker sex” and are made into targets by these perverted men! Although to be fair, many women these days turn it to their advantage… so many women choose not to be exploited anymore! Knowing the odds and pluses is some way to get extra leverage when pushed into situations like this. Many prefer to make it work for them, that’s why they take advantage.


Really. There is no harm to this as long as all is well. As long as the relationship is stable, no fluctuating emotions, no violent behaviors… yes, it will work. In time, these people will learn to appreciate each other and in the long run, love each other. Women tend to fall in love in the passage of time, especially when treated highly with regard and generously too! Since women in those times, never get to go to work but tend the household. Luckily nowadays, we are given the same opportunity.

Today? Who says you can find love in a lifetime? No! Not everyone does! Many lived their lives not finding the love of their life, and if they were, already gone! Some made mistakes and lost them forever! Many, choose to make love happen instead of waiting. This is why our population spiked tremendously!

For all its worth, living together with someone really depends on your priority. If you wanted this to be a dream come true or not. Really? Choosing to hate each other or nurture each other is something you both can decide. What I know is, that a man’s feelings endure and a woman can only appreciate it to enjoy the benefits of it. However, if she chooses otherwise, she may have to endure or suffer. Moreover, nowadays, many women will prefer to make the decisions themselves and not be forced. This is why “women's power” is super emphasized these days! Let her decide! Unlike before, women prefer freedom over obedience, though we can really obey should we come to love the man who gives the order! Lolz! The secret to our undying love? It’s really simple, treat her nicely – in words and action. If you were generous, well, all the more! You’ll never know you have awakened in a woman her need to please you for the rest of her life! Treat her like a queen, and you’ll find a bountiful life with her! Even if you were poorer than a rat, I guarantee you, she will find a way to help you “feel like a king” for a lifetime!

Thank u for the read... Why write so much about love? It's wedding month in this part of the world, I'm just celebrating it as everybody does. Unlike them, they go and attend weddings, I only stay at home and write it out.

July 12, 2022
Image: Pinterest

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Written by
2 years ago


I'd go for prioritizing love over marriage. I mean, before deciding to get married, there's should be love in it. As for the money, I think it can be work out. We can't deny the fact that money is very necessary for all the earthly things and for pleasures too.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Relatishionship with a woman is different of what a men think. For men side even he is married and having children from a woman, having a girlfriend in the same time is for his personal pleasure because his wife is becoming with full interest to the children. So spend money for this kind of relationship ends by divorce between men and women and everything constructed is destructed in few time.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Well, I think prior to marriage, priorities be set. So everything will be laid down and expectations will be set... If priorities were not agreeable, then perhaps marriage should not commence!

$ 0.00
2 years ago