My navigational equipment...

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2 years ago

Advise - consult, instructions, guidance and etc. Whatever it is called comes solicited and unsolicited. Well, I get to grow from being a kid to a teenager then an adult and in the future, an elderly! Haha, pressure? Well, everybody grows old, and that’s for sure. Growing old, depends on how you take it. I’d prefer to grow old with grace! I want my life to be real and not be subjected to anything under pretense. Life is already difficult to navigate; why do we have to make things complicated? The simplier, the better!

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For real? Oh! Its not easy! You can ask any sailor if it was easy with all the sophisticated navigational devices they had, no! It isn’t. Nor would pilots find it easy to navigate in the air, if it was that easy, there will be no flight accidents either but there are. You have to add natural events like storms, hail, volcanic eruption and all the likes. Unfortunately, life is a journey that needs a heck of navigational system and most often, the human equipment, -the most likely on top of the list. We are faced with disaster every day, if not surprises! Wow! I cannot imagine the mental state we will be on if I were to be caught by surprise. Our lineage has history of breast cancer, it’s a welcome event but still will surprise us. When I’ve learned of our youngest sister, 34 years old, single and no baby, and immediately decided to have a baby this year, -I have to admit I was surprised. With all the incurring expenses with our mom coma in the hospital and she, financing it, having a baby is really a far-fetched reality because I know how it is to have a baby, - not only bankrupt but really broke! And mama is dead. OMG, I really must say it was brave of her to land on such decision. But I calm down when I heard her explanation as she was weighing the consequences, she claimed she didn’t lip unnecessarily, it was really necessary. She has a lump/cyst growing on her underarm. Lo! One of our greatest medical fear, to her, it comes true. She panics or whatever it was she was feeling; all she knows is that she must have a baby regardless. True to the assumption, the lump disappeared as the baby came! Oh, the resolute. She solves the greatest medical fear but wreck-havoc with social acceptance as her siblings bombarded her with her decision, public opinion still matters despite. Her life during pregnancy is truly not just a stormy weather but it was all throughout storm the whole months that she can only brace herself for the worst. Calm after the storm, you think? Hahaha! Oh no! Faced with Covid 19 infection? Her financial meltdown begins. Unlike other people, she doesn’t wait to be evicted from her apartment, thus, she moved out the moment she knows and calculated she could no longer afford paying! Argg! Oh my, she is not the only one who suffers, the baby too! She really is like so poor right now that, oh gosh, what more?! The baby and a job is the only thing good about her right now at least she is still earning. Hayst(sigh)! And yet, she said “all this will pass”… wow! relentless spirit!

Life is truly full of surprises, eit?! You are good today and tomorrow everything falls apart. Worst nobody gives a damn. Oh no! there are hypocrites that gives unsolicited advises as if they’re knew what they were talking about! Wow! and gets offended when you come to decision opposing their advise? Hu? How bad can that be? Oh! Oh! Please! Mind your own business! Because like I said, life is truly full of surprises. Today your alive, tomorrow you die? Yes, no one knows if we will have an accident in the next seconds, minutes or hours. So focus on your life and how you want to make it to where you want it to be! Don’t think for a second we can spare our time thinking about what you do in a day or week just because you feel like you are a superstar worth all the attention! I’m really sorry. I barely have time for myself, let alone be disturbed with other people’s lives! I envy others but I don’t want to take too much time on jealousy and coveting, I really just wanna go to sleep – rest!


Life is really too short to waste time of somebody else’s business! How we navigate in life depends on our preferences and priorities, least we can do is respect each other. Don’t think too full of yourself because you’ll only end up, foolish because our lives really depends on it, -dead or alive. As Jesus says:

Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye;

and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

Let’s reflect on our own first before we give our advise or opinion. Ask 1st if its needed, if not, don’t waste time! We all make mistakes, we should judge ourselves first to augment change! And not judge someone just because, you think! Ai! I’m sharing the story for anyone to ponder and feast, at the same time ask themselves “ If you were on my sister’s shoe, what would you do?”. Introspective. This way you’d be productive and not be overwhelmed or shocked, at least you can strategize an approach and handle it well on your side! Over-all health is good and your state of mind – not insane! We all get confused sometimes! Ok! Happy weekend!

Nov 26, 2021
Image from Unsplash

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2 years ago
