My current state of affairs!

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2 years ago

Another week for the year and I have been writing less… Why? Depressed? Actually, mixed emotions! They say I just lost a friend but it was already expected, so I’m not? Or Im denying myself the openness and preferred not to disclose? Not really. Actually, life is simply happier in many ways. I’ve been back to planting and just really don’t like writing here in the office. Well, simply because I have come to a point to have different emotions towards my manager and most likely resentment and moving to the point of not liking him anymore!

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I am so sorry, I am making a diary out of, -lolz. I remember coming here with the intent of writing, - just write. Write to empty my cup (head) and fill it with new things, be it the worthy or not. Before 2021 ended, I already feel that my head was already draining and I was a bit in a panic because I never had thought I will be empty up there! –and this is exactly why I wasn’t writing days/weeks since? Ahh! No! Actually its clearer, the urge is actually more clear and directive but my compulsion to write at home instead has actually became more of a requirement. Perhaps this is the shift of impulse but lappy is still not available at some point so I have to make do! Using lappy for the 1st time, writing there was just exhilarating. I have written my 1st poem in many years and luckily picked 2nd place for the poem writing for valentines day! And the other one too won for “Open Letter” contest but only consolation because the theme was a bit gloomy! And those activity were just something I cherished since I never expected it to turn out very positive. And another is to keep track on my improvement, this way, I develop an audience and at the same time develop ways.


While I am gaining weight, a whooping 68Kilos, the heaviest I am and found it out during our Annual Physical Exam  (APE), a must – requirement for the year. By gaining weight, asthma and allergies also found their way back in. I am beginning to feel a lot heavier though especially here in the office, its most obvious that my eyes, nose and mouth are experiencing turmoils. My rhinitis has exponentially increased like my nose is about to blow off because I kept on sneezing here on my work station that I have to go on an Emergency Leave (EL) because I didn’t want to cause trouble with my co-workers thinking I am having covid-like symptoms when I was just having a bad allergic reaction. Pollens! I am allergic to dusts so if you think that office environment is clean, well, think about it again. Its actually full of dusts! Like I can say, I’m definitely safer at home that here in the office. Sorry, but even with the disinfection and sanitation every hour, it really doesn’t help much with my condition but dusts are just really all over. So I have been taking both anti asthma and allergies which keeps me drowsed and I am not happy about it because my body is almost accustomed to it and I don’t like because I never liked consuming medication for more than a month now.

Well, in the end… Tomorrow is certainly coming. Adjustments is necessary and I haven’t finish writing this article and I am already sneezing. 3 hours of work, sitting on the same seat and on the same workstation, my tears are dropping while my nose is dripping, already non-stop. So this is really how bad office set-up for me is! Have a healthy week ahead and God bless! Thank u for your time.

March 15, 2022
Image: Pinterest

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2 years ago
