Mother’s day: Mom knows best until…

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2 years ago

Hmmmm… Celebrating is only a way of commemorating…

The days we had spent a lot of years together.

That every year gone by, is totally exceptional

That celebrating is a way of “thanking each other for another year!”.

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I carried you in my womb for 9 months…

And we shared a lot together, even dined the same food…

That some and many we liked, while there are some you hated.

Puked it off my mouth, without hesitation.

Yes, we shared a lot including the things you most dislike.

The songs we so liked, you listened as I sing along…

I played with the dishes you wished and longed to taste for yourself…

Especially on weekends, as you so loved the treats!


Then I carried you in my arms as I welcomed you to our world…

A world that will be yours as you grow…

For years, we enjoyed each other’s hugs…And kisses, as I become obsessed with you day by day!

While you cling and hold my arms tightly as we explored the world.

You grew, little by little each year!

And it pleases me to know and teach you little things…

The things that will allow and equip you more as the years to come.

Forming your character first, then everything follows.


Reading was… a very bad challenge for both of us.

But when you learned, oh! How happy and wonderful it was…

For you never stopped to learn and has greatly improved.

Improved in ways I could not imagine, and even advanced beyond my expectations…

I do not claim to possess profound knowledge of the world…

But what I can assure is…

I am only teaching you the things I think will equip you as you grow older.

And during this time, do bear with me and go along for I assure it is for your well-being…


You will grow… you won’t be forever hiding in my arms forever.

But as you hid in my arms, I will assure you safety.

We will together face and fight together the monsters that lived under the bed…

And at the end of the day, we will surely conquer it.

And you grow… you’ve gone the boy’s right of passage…

We were clueless, but we got out alright.

It was more fun as each day we spent wandering when it will end

Until the day, it was ok!


You are still growing and so much to explore!

I can only wish to impart everything before our time ends…

For the world is too vast and equipping you is a task we all mothers have to endure…

For there is the need to equip you, else we failed at the task entrusted to us.

Our main task as moms, is to ensure…

That you will be molded with character of morals and decency…

Equipping you to the best possible man we ought you can be..

That by when your time comes, the world will be amazed of the young man that you will become…


We mold u with knowledge, courage and bravery…

Live under undaunted principles and not live in fear!

Teach you how to bear with the world and conquer your fear…

Hoping that in the future you will navigate through storms and weather it.

While this is what we hoped for…

You have your choice if to bear and learn…

Definitely, you have a say on all these…

For this is just we mothers can hope for!


Only just what we envisioned you to be…

Not something that you should fear…

For this is your life and yours to live…

While we retire and live… in the older days to come…


This is what we hoped for you…

To have the best possible future…

While our strength has faded as the years gone by…

Teaching you all these as you grow is a strength we could do to support you in your journey!


As we softly fade into our little world…

Our body ageing in the passage of time…

Will softly embrace you in our arms…

That you once find solace and safety, in the years not so long gone by…

May 9, 2022
Image: Pinterest

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Written by
2 years ago


Felicitations to any mom on the world because either they have financial tools to let you educate well or not they work day and night for the good care and elevation.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Moms are special creatures. Not just moms amongst humans but all other animals. Their patience, dedication, sacrifice towards the development of a baby that grows into an adult to do great time is just unexplainable.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

truly indeed, thank u for the read.

$ 0.00
2 years ago