Monkey King

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1 year ago

Frugality is crucial at times of economic struggle. Struggle is real they say especially when all prices went up while paycheck is still the same like years that passed. Earning and buying power is no longer at par and with the growing kids, all the more we mothers are looking for frugal ways to fit budget.


Rice is a major commodity in every Filipino or Asian household. Over the years, it hasn’t changed but the commodity has. Why? Say, you cook rice in the morning and it is already spoiled at 6 pm and even if you try to save it and keep it inside the ref, still it goes spoiled. While rice about 5-10 years ago, goes over night without getting spoiled. Which is why my boys were really enjoying the rice-left-over turned into their favorite fried rice the next day. And that’s every day, of different kinds: eggs with ham fried rice, garlic fried rice, egg/ham/veggie fried rice and many more combination. Then, we can still save left-overs and really save on RICE and other ingredients and even gas.

Now? What has become now! We used to go for GANADOR because of the quality of rice and does not go spoiled immediately but now? Oh no! It’s already spoiled before the day ends and I feel so bad throwing away those spoiled rice because I never threw them away. So to save from throwing them away I only cook for a meal but that doesn’t save me from gas. And if I continue to do this, my LPG consumption will be reduced from 25 days down to 20 days? My consumption just increased because of the poor quality of the rice, -easily spoilt! Its no longer frugal to buy GANADOR.

I switch to other brands and still the same until I found MONKEY KING. Way too frugal and rice quality is like as GANADOR but doesn’t spoil easy, a real-left-over rice for a good fried rice in the morning! Now, I can save on rice and at the same time on LPG consumption.


I am aware of the GMO thing on food and there are advantages while there are also disadvantages! However, I’d prefer to have it the way as it was before when food were still not easily spoiled. Bitter gourd that used to have a 2-week shelf life, not just days. Need to use it before it turns over ripe which is really sad because it affects not only our budget but also our health. Not only that, it saves us money but our effort as well. I am sorry, I am really the kind who buys in bulk and going to the market every day is just really a waste of a lot of resources: money, time, effort and even gas. Why, the time and effort going to market especially when its really traffic, should be used to rest the body for tomorrow is another combat. While money and gas, of course if we buy in bulk we spend less on gas – thus saving money.

Sept 21, 2022

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Written by
1 year ago


Rice is really expensive in my country Even the local rice cannot be patronize by commoners

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Glad I have my own lil humble yard and often harvest the greens I digged in. Happy to put 'em on my table ;)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

oh it can't be Since this GMO came into our lives, there is no taste in the food.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Really? Which country are you from and what is GMO?

$ 0.00
1 year ago

True, it is better to buy in bulk since going to the market everyday adds up expenses because the fare is high too. Not unless you have easy walking access to market near your place where you can buy freshly veggies a day.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It is better to buy in bulk but not all can afford that luxury

$ 0.00
1 year ago