In a Cancerous World of Ours 2

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3 years ago

Family's First Cancer Patient

I have a least 5 stories and supposed not to write about them but ran out of pictures on my other articles, so.

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Aunt Rebecca

She was the youngest girl of the siblings. They were only 3, we call them "tres marias". My mom being the eldest, Aunt Nene 2nd child and her, 6th child. Being the youngest girl of the siblings, she enjoyed a lot of privileges especially finished her course as a chemical engineer and eventually became an instructor in the later years, for a university as a profession.

Career and early in life

She was a successful career woman, bearing the role she took – a chemical engineer. She worked for years and was generous, sent us monthly allowances to help augment our expenses as our father is unable to provide us everything we needed. Then she met her man, married and bore a son. Unfortunately, she claimed her man beats her so she left him. Went back to her family and as unfortunate as her marriage, her brothers treated her a disgrace for leaving her husband, or for having a child without a husband. Maltreated her and her boy. She couldn’t bear it so she went to live with us for about year if I still remembered it right. Unfortunate as it was though, one night my father went home drunk and almost took advantage of her. So she packed up and left.

Later in Life

A series of misfortune but that didn’t deter her to success. She went back to my grandma and had to muster everything her brothers were treating her, back then she had grandma who helped her in every way she can. With grandma’s help she became an instructor for a University and was very successful at that she became a counselor for students at the campus. Redeemed her estate but still being treated coldy. But despite that, she persisted and carried on.  Even supported my grandma’s household until my grandpa’s death.


Nobody knew until one day she got so sick, rushed to the hospital and almost died. Doctors saw the tumor on her breasts and had it immediately removed. But they found weeks after operation that the tumors had spread to her lungs, lo, there was nothing they could do. Prognosis was 4-6 months, Breast Cancer.

She was striving to live, like all her endeavors, she fought. Even went through a humiliating processing of pleading for financial help to the very siblings who maltreated her, almost to a point of begging when she can pay it all even if she died because she was able to acquire properties. She looked for ways to resolve even went as far as to go to witch doctor for healing but to no avail. She wanted to live, -who wouldn’t?


In the end, chemo didn’t work. It had spread so much that it took her health spirally down low. She lost weight almost in an instant that she could barely stand and breathe. Nothing worked and all she did was accept her faith with no regret and remorse. Ah! Yes, we talked. She was able to accept it all and even forgave everyone who had punished her for nothing. Forgave those who, and no spite in her heart for the purpose was life but to give love. She told me she was ready anytime God will take her and lo, she was only 45.

Her Resolve

Then her son told us, a tumor was growing all those years and her mom told him not to mention it to anyone. Didn’t go to see the doctor, perhaps of fear of expenses or she didn’t want any more humiliating comments about her. But that didn’t stop people from talking or commenting.

Whatever their resolve was, it didn’t matter anymore. Important thing was, she was ready to meet her creator and generous with her kindness, even with forgiveness. She had her resolved, acceptance, submission and forgiveness. She was at peace.

I for one and mama, were truly grateful for her generosity for endowing my mom some of her possessions that really helped us get through tough times and even helped send me through college. The end.

Thank you friends for dropping by. God bless.


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3 years ago
