How long and how much more is there to collect to satisfy? And to let go?

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2 years ago
Topics: Reality, Freewriting

About 35 years ago… people revolted. A people power that changed the course of history of one nation, a family and of course -the people. Though bloodless as it was but the stories they tell were not as bloodless. People tortured, raped, salvaged, killed, and many more went missing during those times at the height of the administration. Most especially the targeted people, families and relatives. For those with money, flee from the country and chose exile for many years.

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Marcos Regime, Martial Law, had reportedly embezzled $5-10 Billion as it ended it regime. And that was about 35 yrs ago. A very long time ago, although I was about 8-9 yrs old that time, I could still remember as the revolution was happening, the adults that surrounded me that time were really tense. A sense of fear and excitement, mixed emotions… Never really thought that everything happened so fast but managed to execute it, with less bloodshed. To think we live afar from EDSA, way afar from the visayan province, yet people were on its heights because of course who wouldn’t be afraid when you’re fighting against the militia? Worst can happen you know if the events @EDSA was not able to pull off victor! And still, our faith in mankind was still up and it pulled off, our militia was still on the people’s side after all. It wasn’t as bloodless as claimed, there were still people who got injured from slight injury to really bloody. Marcos was forced to exile, unfortunately outside the country. Died and wanted to be brought home and be buried on his homeland, -of course who wouldn’t want to return, back home? Though, it took a while but eventually.

Well, it has been 35 years of living under Democracy they claimed and what I don’t understand is, Christian as we are we keep on going back to history and pinned all the debts back to that time a long time ago. Claiming about a trillion dollars in debts. ??? why? Of course, we recently claim and collect about $174B and looking at the appropriation, none was allocated to pay the debt. Well, personally if I had paid some amount I wouldn’t want them to overly publicize that I haven’t paid a cent! Yes, truly unfair. And more litigation is up, about $125B is being chased for more ill-gotten wealth, is on going. In the passage of time, and several presidents had been elected, lets say from $10B plummeted to $1T? Of course, it plummeted because of bad governance and inappropriate spending of funds or rather pocketed it! I mean, surely Marcos was responsible but he already paid it with his life, exiled on foreign soil, and took a while before he was buried. How about the administrations that follows? Aren’t they held responsible too? Well, though Cory Aquino, brought back democracy but weren’t business tycoons ruled the Philippines and monopolizes several industries to throughout her admin? The Lopezes, Cojuanco’s, even PLDT, the country’s top telecom provider has been monopolizing the industry for far too long. If Marcos’ had cronies, so what do they call the Lopezes, Coguanco and others? Not only them, the succeeding administrations? Estrada has the floor and what happened? Even Aquino Jr too flapped with extremely bad governance and even with the exposure to public on Hacienda Luisita, still won the presidency. And even with the Magdalo massacre, what happened?

Set aside anything else… These people paint the picture they want the public to know about them, -they have the resources. Whether it be Marcos or the Aquinos… Bottom line is, we have collected a lot of amount and now with the appropriation, im not seeing paying the debt as a priority and still we are litigating up to $300B+ and God knows how much more! So when are we really paying the debt? We are really living in hypocrisy as we profess Christianity. True there were wrongs and we have collected. Other sins, its for God to judge for he's gone now. Lets live and look forward, at least we have collected whereas the other administration had there been any pursuits? As for the presidency, I can only hope to vote for someone who can prevent war from coming to our country and not agitate it instead due to lack of knowledge and experience, -most importantly political will.


Mar 08, 2022
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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Reality, Freewriting
