Have to find another place... but I'm broke!

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2 years ago

Water from the sky just keeps on falling these days! And its just so wet outside as expected. But it’s a different story when the inside too is… RAINING!

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To properly describe and visualize it, anyone seen Maleficent (the movie)? That scene where Maleficent was watching over the baby and was annoyed by the fairies childishness that she made it rain inside the house! Yes, its almost like that.

After work, I have to prepare for the kids: their meal for the day! And finally, this month, got to go home early... And as I buzz in and tried my best to do all in time only to find out that working in a wet pantry isn’t just bad but disheartening!

Like the bathroom or CR, Pantry should be part of the most clean places in our home. Oh, I really don’t need to explain a lot, don’t I? lolz. Of course, this is where food is really processed and imagine yourself eating food that’s not clean or the place it was prepared was not clean. Don’t you find it gross? Ewww!

The ceiling walls started to drip last February. Its like raining inside as you’ll catch water all over you especially when its heavily raining. I told the landlord, however, due to cash constraint, they want me to fix it instead or look for a place. My mistake was to give another advance to the original landlord as he asked, I pitied him – I really thought he needed the money badly. So I swallowed it all and bear but it just gotten worst. The landlord keeps coming back for advance and the ceiling keeps on dripping. My eldest knows and told me its about time to transfer. We look for a place and found one but pocket is empty for a month’s deposit and advance, need 12K at least to be able to move. And I just donated about 10K to the landlord because he made advances. My heart is really at lost right now and the online credit lines are either cancelled due to system failure or internet failure? Oh! This is bad.

You see, it is important to prepare the food clean. Like everyone knows about it. It affects our health and with all the prices going up due to war in Ukraine, getting sick for this kind of negligence isn’t acceptable. There are temporary remedies and I can work around it, the drippin. Like putting vulcaseal, a sealant durable enough for a year or cover it with plastic for a while and make sure it stays until they can slowly buy the materials and save enough money for the labor. I don’t mean instant but at least they’re doing something, but none was really done. The water from the ceiling reaches the food or drinking water, its already wasted. Why? I cannot risk, I have to throw it all away. Cant imagine a lot of waste because of it and I'm not really unto wasting food. I am already blest that my family is eating well and to waste food is to waste God's blessing... If you let your imagination run wild, like what could the dripping water contain? Of course, you’ll never know who lives in the ceiling. I can only think of: rats, insects, and so much worst, snakes? Their feces and urines. It can all be gathered through the dripping water.

April 07, 2022
Image: Pinterest

I am at lost because the heavens seems to be punishing me! My hands are tied, and I have no more credit lines because I have to lend my sister that last available credit line. And… hayst! Another day! another ache! Anyway… another toxic relationship I have to get rid off! Landlord and tenant, pity should be lessen. It comes in the way of taking care of our needs! Oh! how bad! Thank u for reading.

$ 1.13
$ 1.11 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Written by
2 years ago


I pray the good Lord will provide for you and help you to move into another comfortable place.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank u so much! Indeed having prayer warriors is a blessing! I will be moving tomorrow... again, thank u for your kind words and prayers.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Truly you are in your low now but pray to God, I know He is working something for you.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Oh! thank u for your kind words. Bless you and your family too! I will be moving tomorrow! Indeed, in God's time.

$ 0.00
2 years ago